Arlo's Campaign Monitor integration supports two primary functions;
- You can allow people to subscribe to your newsletter during your website registration process, or subscribe contacts in the Arlo management platform and their subscription will be automatically added to the Subscribers list in Campaign Monitor.
- You can use the integration send across prospects in your marketing campaigns, by applying advanced filters to contacts in Arlo, and generating prospect lists.
The following contact information is transferred to Campaign Monitor.
- Name
- Email address
- Newsletter topics (if any)
If you handling UK/EU data, you should use GDPR consent fields as a substitute to Arlo's newsletter field, which you can filter when building campaign and prospect lists to send contacts to Campaign Monitor. This process won't allow you to use the automated newsletter subscriber feed to Campaign Monitor. If you have any questions about this, contact Arlo Support.
Adding and changing subscriber details
Adding via the Arlo Newsletter list
- If you add a person to your newsletter list in Arlo, or the person subscribes on your website registration form, they will be added (subscribed) to the corresponding list in Campaign Monitor.
- Arlo can synchronise with one newsletter list in Campaign Monitor.
Adding via an Arlo Campaign list
- If you create a campaign list in Arlo and send this list to Campaign Monitor.
- Arlo can synchronise multiple campaign lists.
- You can create campaign lists based on a range of contact criteria such as registration history, consents provided, personal details, newsletter topics etc.
Changing a subscribers details
- When you change details for a contact in Arlo (e.g. their subscription options), their details will be updated in Campaign Monitor.
Unsubscribes and resubscribes explained
Unsubscribes via Arlo
- If you unsubscribe a contact/s in Arlo they will be added to the Campaign Monitor deleted group in the Campaign Monitor Newsletter list only. They will remain in other lists, such as campaign lists.
- Deleted contacts are not added to a Suppression list, and can still be on or added to other lists e.g. campaign lists, however, Arlo will never add them back to the original Newsletter list without specific resubscription.
- If you re-subscribe the contact in Arlo or the contact re-subscribes on an Arlo registration form, they will then be resubscribed to the Newsletter list in Campaign Monitor and removed from the deleted list.
- There is no warning when re-subscribing somebody who is on a deleted list.
Unsubscribes via Campaign Monitor
- If a Contact is unsubscribed via Campaign Monitor they will be removed from the Newsletter list in Campaign Monitor. They will also be added to a suppression list.
- Depending on your Campaign Monitor unsubscribe settings, contacts may also be removed from all Campaign Monitor lists if they have unsubscribed.
- As they are added to a suppression list, the contact will not be added to any other lists via Arlo e.g. campaign lists.
- Contacts who have unsubscribed themselves (via Campaign Monitor) will still appear as Newsletter Subscribers in Arlo until a change has been detected and saved against the contact's record, or they are added to a campaign list synced to Campaign Monitor. Arlo will then try to sync the contact back to Campaign Monitor but will fail with the below message.

- If an Arlo Admin selects Resubscribe now on this message, the contact will be added back to the Newsletter list in Campaign Monitor. They will not be removed from the suppression list. This will need to be done manually in Campaign Monitor (as Campaign Monitor do not allow automated suppression list overrides) if you wish for the contact to be added to additional lists e.g. campaign lists.
Deleting contacts from lists in Campaign Monitor
- If you delete a contact from the Newsletter list (via Campaign Monitor) they will be removed from the Newsletter list and added into the deleted group for that list. However, when Arlo syncs with Campaign Monitor, it will detect the user is Subscribed in Arlo and remove the contact from the deleted group (resubscribing them).
- For this reason, Arlo recommends against using the Deleted option in Campaign Monitor.
Campaign Monitor FAQs
If you can't find the information you are looking for, try our Campaign Monitor frequently asked questions article.