Stripe is Arlo's preferred payment gateway.
Arlo's Stripe integration is embedded as part of the Arlo Checkout so registrants have a seamless payment experience.
Also, Stripe does not require a merchant account to be set up, so you can start accepting payments in less than 10 minutes with Arlo. In addition, the integration supports full and partial credit card refunds being completed within Arlo.
If you are using Arlo's Xero integration, Arlo can also send Stripe transactions fee's to a separate expense account, so reconciling your orders is simple.

If you are using Stripe, this will automatically be connected to all regions as Stripe have multi-currency support built-in for some regions. You cannot use separate Stripe accounts for different regions.
- Open the Settings menu item.

- From the Financial section, select Payment methods.

- Press Add payment method.

- Select Credit card.

- Select Stripe.

- Press Connect with Stripe. You will be directed to a connection page.

- If you have a Stripe account, click Sign In. This will complete the connection and you will be redirected back to Arlo.

- If you don't have an account, fill out the details to create an account and press Authorize access to this account.

- In the Payment due dates section, select a Set order date using setting and a Payment due setting. These are used in the event that the payment is not successfully processed.

- Ensure the payment method is available for registrants on your website checkout.

If you do not tick this, the payment method will be available internally only.
- (Optional) Choose a custom Payment label. If you add a label, it will still display the default payment name (Credit Card), with the label added to the end of the default name within Arlo. e.g. Credit card [Stripe]. It will be displayed as Stripe on your checkout.

- Choose the payment messages to be displayed on the checkout when the payment method is selected.
We recommend changing the default review message if you are using Stripe, as the gateway is integrated into the Arlo checkout. Users are not directed to an external page.

- Scroll to the top of the page and press Save or Save and Close.
- (Optional) If you are also using Xero integration, ensure you you have set up your GL expense account and fee contact for Stripe transaction fees.
If you are using Arlo's Xero integration, Arlo can send Stripe transactions fee's to a separate GL expense account, so reconciling your orders is simple. Stripe fee amounts for Arlo transactions will always be sent to the expense account.
You need to disconnect Stripe from your Arlo platform and then reconnect with new credentials. If this does not work you may have to remove the Stripe integration fully and then set it back up again.