The following article provides information on how to access the certification template settings in Arlo and a description of what each setting does.
- Open the Certifications menu item.
- Select the certification you would like to review the settings for.
The general settings hold all of the basic information related to a certification, such as the certification's name, default expiry, label and prefix etc.
The Name is generally the legal name of the certification or licence, but can be anything.
This will be displayed to registrants who start the certification process and can be made available on certificates issued for the certification.
The Version setting allows version control when edits are made. Arlo automatically generates this field, but you may edit it. You may see previous versions' settings via the version drop-down.
The version is not displayed to registrants who start the certification process but can be made available on certificates issued for the certification.
The Template label is the terminology used for the certification. You can choose which best suits the type of certification you're creating.
This is not displayed to registrants who start the certification process.
The Time zone relates to the validity of the certification (the dates it is valid within) and affects when notifications are sent.
For example, if the certification is set up with the time zone for Sydney, the validity will be linked to that time zone and the notifications will be sent in that time zone.
The Default certified setting is the Arlo generated date that individual certifications will be valid from by default.
The certified date can be edited on the individual certifications.
You can choose for the certificate to be dated with the approval date (the date the individual certification is approved) or for the date to be adjusted to the expiry date of the previous certification, if one exists. This may be determined by your legal jurisdiction.
The certified date of a certification, which can be viewed by approved registrants, is available for use on certificates issued on that certification template.
The Default expiry setting is the Arlo generated date that individual certifications will expire by default.
The expiry can be edited on the individual certifications.
You can choose for individual certifications to expire, for example, every 1 year, or to never expire.
The expiration date of a certification, which can be viewed by approved registrants, is available for use on certificates issued on that certification template.
Each individual certification is given a unique code. The Code settings allow you to change the Label (or terminology of the code), and add a Prefix (which will be the same for all codes generated on this certification), if required.
The code can be edited when creating a new certification and will remain the same throughout the life-cycle of that certification, i.e. the code will stay the same whenever they renew their certification.
Unlike the certification code, the Alternate code can change with each renewal and is blank on renewal certifications (it can be added by editing the renewal certification).
The alternate code is off by default. To activate this field, contact Arlo Support.
The Jurisdiction field is an internal field that allows administrators to enter information related to the jurisdiction of the certification.
The information could include the area or time frame in which the certification can be awarded or used.
The Information field is an internal field that allows administrators to enter more general information about the certification.
Arlo has developed a website widget that you can add to your website to allow people to search your certifications to check if a contact's certification is valid.
For example, a prospective employer may like to check if someone has a valid certification and when it expires.
Both the Code and Surname fields are required as inputs for the certification search to work and output results.
The following settings only apply if your organisation has implemented the certification search widget. Learn how to add the certification search widget to your website using web control integration.
The Search results setting determines whether certifications attained under the certification template (or a version of the template) are shown in the search results in the website widget.
The following setting is not visible on the website if you are on the default Arlo website.
The Label is the heading of the information shown.
The following setting is not visible on the website if you are on the default Arlo website.
The Description settings allows you to enter the information about the certification that is shown to the end user on the website. This should include information such as any legislative requirements that have been met to attain the certification.
The Workflow settings determine how a contact is pushed through the certification workflow. It covers:
- What course the contact has to register for to enter the workflow.
- Which courses they have to complete to attain their certification.
- Whether any expiry reminders are sent and the content of those emails.
- What course they have to register for to enter the renewal workflow.
- Which courses they have to complete to attain the renewal.
The Creation settings determine how a contact enters the certification's workflow and whether they should be notified.
- If you want contacts to automatically enter the certification's workflow once they have an approved registration for a particular course, tick the Create a certificate when a registration is approved checkbox and select the course template they should be registered on from the Name drop-down.
This setting does not approve the certification, it only starts the certification process.
- If you want to notify the contact that their certification process is underway, tick the Send certificate registration confirmation to contact checkbox.
The Awaiting approval settings determine what courses the contact must have completed in order to be moved into the awaiting approval state. You will have the chance to include further requirements, such as that they must have attended, passed, and paid for the course. This saves time for your administrators as they do not have to manually check registrants to ensure they meet the requirements for the certification.
- If you want contacts to be automatically approved once they have met all of the requirements, tick the Automatically move the certificate to awaiting approval when criteria are met checkbox.
- Once ticked you will be offered the chance to enter one or more course templates that the contact must have completed before being moved to awaiting approval. Enter the Template from the drop-down and tick the relevant checkbox for any other criteria that should be met.
You can click Add another item if you need to add more templates or click remove to remove one added in error.
Example: A certification requiring that a contact attend, and pay for the First Aid Level 1 course and then attend, pass, and pay for the First Aid Level 1 exam.
- Once you have approved the contacts certification, if you wish for them to receive confirmation that their certification has been approved, tick the Send certificate approval confirmation to contact checkbox.
If the certification has an expiry date, the Expiry settings determine whether the contact will receive expiration reminders or a final expiration notice (once the certification has expired).
- If you want to send reminders (up to 3) to your contact to advise them that their certification is due to expire, tick the Send certificate reminders to contact prior to expiring checkbox.
- Enter the content you would like to include in the certification reminder email. You can include links to the renewal courses by highlighting the relevant text and clicking the link button.
Example: Three reminders set leading up to the expiry of the individual certification with renewal instructions.
- If you want to send a final expiration notice to your contact once their certification has expired, tick the Send certificate expiry to contact checkbox.
If the certification expires, you can set up a renewal workflow that can have the same or different requirements as the original certification. This means that you can include a renewal or refresher course which is different to the initial courses completed to attain the initial certification.
Similarly to the creation settings, the Renewal settings determine how a contact enters the certification's renewal workflow and whether they should be notified.
- If you want contacts to automatically enter the certification's renewal workflow once they have an approved registration for a particular course, tick the Create renewal certificate when a registration is approved checkbox and select the course template they should be registered on from the Name drop-down.
This setting does not approve the certification, it only starts the renewal process.
- If you want to notify the contact that their renewal process is underway, tick the Send renewal certificate registration confirmation to contact checkbox.
Similarly to the awaiting approval settings, the Renewal awaiting approval settings determine what courses the contact must have completed in order to be moved into the awaiting approval state for the renewal.
- If you want contacts to be automatically approved once they have met all of the requirements, tick the Automatically move renewal certificate to awaiting approval when criteria are met checkbox.
- Once ticked you will be offered the chance to enter one or more course templates that the contact must have completed before being moved to awaiting approval. Enter the Template from the drop-down and tick the relevant checkbox for any other criteria that should be met.
You can click Add another item if you need to add more templates or click remove to remove one added in error.
- As with the approval settings, if you wish for the contact to receive confirmation that their renewal has been approved, tick the Send certificate approval confirmation to contact checkbox.