Arlo's certifications feature manages the workflow of approving and renewing certifications, licenses, and memberships, based on course or elearning activity registrations and other criteria.
By automating manual processes, it cuts admin time significantly and gives your customers a great experience. Much like courses, certifications have a template that holds the requirements that each individual certificate (for each person) is created from.

Each certification template in Arlo has a workflow that each contact will go through to be certified for that specific template. There are a number of settings available that determine what that workflow looks like and what communication the contact will receive at each step of the workflow.
Learn about the certification template settings and what they do.
Arlo's certification templates are flexible so that your contacts follow the correct workflow for your requirements. Once example of this is the version control which allows version control when edits are made. This means that you have the ability to have different versions of the same certification so you can keep up to date with legislative changes.
Learn how to create certification templates.
In Arlo, you can edit existing certification templates. You can also manually add certifications for contacts and manage those certifications, including approving, cancelling, and renewing them where necessary.
Learn how to manage certification templates.
Learn how to manage a contact's certification.
Arlo makes it easy to search for certifications and report on contacts' certifications.
Learn how to find and report on your certifications.
Once your contacts have gone through the certification process, and their certification is approved, you can send them a certificate that includes their details and the certification details, such as the certified date and their certification code.
Learn how to send certificates for approved certifications.
Arlo has developed a website widget that you can add to your website to allow people to search your certifications to check if a contact's certification is valid.
For example, a prospective employer may like to check if someone has a valid certification and when it expires.
Learn more about the certification search widget.