The following article explains how to create and apply a new task in Arlo.
If you would like to create a set of tasks that can be easily applied to course templates and individual courses, you can learn how to create and apply task sets.
- Open the record (course, contact, organisation, lead, campaign) you would like to create a task on. Arlo will create a link to this record on the task so the task assignee can navigate to it easily from the dashboard.
- Press Task from the toolbar.

- Select a Subject.
Learn how to edit tasks categories in the list.
- If you have additional subject information enter it in the subject text box.
- Select a Due date or Set date/time for a specific date and time.
The due date will determine where a task sits on the list to be completed e.g. tasks due later will show further down the list.
- Set the task Priority.
High and low priority tasks are highlighted in the tasks list with an additional icon (exclamation mark or down arrow) so that administrators know how important they are.
- Select who the task should be assigned to. If the task is private, deselect Let everyone see this task. If you don't do this, other administrators will also be able to see the task - this can be useful if staff are away often as somebody else can complete the task on their behalf.
- Add any additional information in the description box.

- Press Save Task. A task notification will be sent.

- The task will be saved on the homepage of the entity you have set it up on e.g the contact or course, and will also be available in the Tasks tab.
As soon as you assign tasks to another administrator, they will receive a notification with all the task details including what the task is, the priority, the due date of the task and who assigned the task.
Example: Task notification email