Arlo's customer portal is a secure online area which allows your contacts and registrants to:
- Login on your website and speed up the checkout process.
- View completed and future course information.
- Download certificates for completed courses (if they have been sent one).
- View and update personal information e.g email address, phone numbers, or postal address etc.
- Pay for any outstanding orders.
- Cancel their registration or transfer to another date (if allowed).
- Manage waiting list registrations.
Once enabled, you will be able to style and customise the theme of your customer portal to match your website. You can modify the logo, colours, and more. You can also make logging into the portal mandatory for registration.
The customer portal is disabled on all platforms by default.
If you are using WordPress, Web Controls, or the API, this is a two step process; you will need to enable the customer portal and then configure your integration settings.
- Open the Settings menu item.

- From the Website section, select Customer portal.

- Select the Publish tab.
- Tick Enable portal.
To enable the portal with an Arlo Website you must have the Terms and conditions and Privacy policy pages enabled on your website. To enable the portal with a WordPress, Web Controls, or API integration, you must enter the URL where customers can view your Terms and conditions and Privacy policy pages.

- Press Save changes.
- If you are using the Arlo Website, the portal will be published automatically, otherwise use one of the options below to publish your portal
Inside your WordPress Admin area, go to:
- Appearance then Menus.
- Select your Header Menu to edit.
- Under Add menu items, click Custom Links.
- Enter the URL and Link Text for Customer Portal (e.g. https://<yourplatformname>

- Click Add to Menu.
- Save Menu.
Using your website CMS, add a new menu item to your navigation bar which links to https://<yourplatformname> Users will be presented with a login portal where they can either create an account or login to the portal.
Please contact Arlo Support if you have any questions about this process.
The customer portal is always hosted by Arlo. Cookies are placed in the users' browser to store their information when navigating between your site and the Arlo Customer Portal, so they won't have to keep logging in after leaving the portal.
Arlo's login page is able to be customised so it fits with your website and Customer portal branding. The options that are available will depend on the type of website integration the platform has.
Platforms that do not have the Customer portal activated will use the Arlo default login page, with the Arlo logo.

If the platform is using the Arlo website and has the Customer portal activated, some of the settings are pulled from the Arlo website settings and some are pulled from the Customer portal settings.
Changing the settings will also affect the Arlo website and/or Customer portal theming.
Header background colour
The header background colour of the login page uses the same colour as the background colour of the Arlo website menu bar. To change this colour:
- Open the Settings menu item.

- From the Website section, select Arlo website.
- Under General, scroll to the Menu section and click on the Background colour.

- Choose a colour or enter the colour code you wish to use.

- Press Save changes.
The logo on the login page uses the same logo as the Arlo website menu logo. To change this logo:
- Open the Settings menu item.

- From the Website section, select Arlo website.
- From the Menu section, for the Menu logo, press Select file to upload...
- Choose a logo file.
- Use the preview to ensure you are happy with the new logo.
- Press Save changes.
Primary colour
The login page's primary colour is used by the links, sign in button, and focus definition. To change this colour:
- Open the Settings menu item.

- From the Website section, select Customer portal.

- From the Theme section, click on the Theme colour.

- Choose a colour or enter the colour code you wish to use.

- Press Save changes.
If the platform is not using the Arlo website, and is instead using one of the other website integration methods, the login page will use the same settings as the Customer portal.
Changing the settings will also affect the Customer portal theming.
Header background colour
- Open the Settings menu item.

- From the Website section, select Customer portal.

- From the Theme section, click on the Header background colour.

- Choose a colour or enter the colour code you wish to use.

- Press Save changes.
- Open the Settings menu item.

- From the Website section, select Customer portal.

- From the Theme section, for the Menu logo, press Select file to upload...
- Choose a logo file.
- Use the preview to ensure you are happy with the new logo.
- Press Save changes.
Primary colour
The login page's primary colour is used by the links, sign in button, and focus definition. To change this colour:
- Open the Settings menu item.

- From the Website section, select Customer portal.

- From the Theme section, click on the Theme colour.

- Choose a colour or enter the colour code you wish to use.

- Press Save changes.
The customer portal can be themed to match your brand colours and, with WordPress, Web Controls, or API website integrations you can add a logo of your choice.
- Open the Settings menu item.

- From the Website section, select Customer portal.

- Select a Theme colour for your theme.

- For WordPress and Web Controls website integrations, you can also select the Header background colour, Header text colour and add a Menu logo for your portal.

- Press Save changes.
- To preview your theme, press View customer portal.
You can choose to only allow only logged in portal users register on courses or allow guests to register without logging in. By default, Arlo will allow guests to complete registrations in your checkout.
If you are using Arlo's SSO functionality, some of these settings may be superseded by your chosen SSO settings.
- To allow registrations without requiring the user to log in, tick No, allow guests to register (default).

- To only allow registrations from logged in customer portal users, tick Yes, all registrants must log-in to the Portal account.
- To allow logged in registrants to register additional guests, select Yes.

- Press Save changes.
This section explains the process to invite contacts from within Arlo to create a portal account.
- Open the Contacts menu item.

- Select the contacts you would like to send customer portal access to.
- Press Actions and select Customer portal invitations.

- Press Send portal invite. Your customised 'invitation to create a portal account' will be sent to these contacts.

In the event that you do not want your customer's to be able to view either their elearning or their waiting list applications, you can hide these pages from the customer portal.
The elearning and waiting list pages will be automatically hidden if these features are disabled on your platform.
- Open the Settings menu item.

- From the Website section, select Customer portal.

- From the Pages section, untick the Enable eLearning list page or the Enable the waiting list page setting.

- Press Save changes.