When you create a venue in Arlo, you can store the address, parking and direction information, individual room details (e.g. capacity), a map of the location, and the venue booking contact details.
When a new course is approved, the venue booking contact automatically receives notification of this. Venue details (address, map, etc.) are also provided automatically to any presenters, support staff, and course registrants.
Example: Venue in Arlo

Venues can be created during the course setup process, or beforehand.
Learn how to create venues and rooms in Arlo.
You can choose to display venue details on your website, and archive venues that are no longer in use.
Learn how to manage your venues and rooms in Arlo.
Learn how to set a venue's operating hours.
Learn how to display your venues on your website.
Arlo provides comprehensive reporting for events and venues.
Learn how to find venues and rooms in Arlo and find out more about the venue reports available in Arlo.