The following article outlines the different ways you can search for and find venues in Arlo.
- Open the Venues and rooms menu item.
- Your active venues will be listed in alphabetical order.
- Click one of the list views to narrow your search.
By default, only active venues will be listed.
- Type and select a search term to refine your search.
- Click on the venue name to open the venue you would like to view.
- Open the Venues and rooms menu item.
- Click one of the Rooms list views.
- Type and select a search term to refine your search.
- Click on the name of the room to view and edit the room details.
The following sections describe how to view a calendar containing a venue's or venue room's schedule of activities.
- Open the Venues and rooms menu item.
- Click on the venue in the list to be taken to the venue page.
- Press Calendar.
- You will be taken to the venues calendar with a filter applied.
The venues and rooms scheduler in Arlo enables you to manage the venues for your courses by giving you the ability to see all courses that are running at each venue/room in an easy to read format.
Learn more about using the venue scheduler.
You can report on additional information required for a course, like disabilities and/or dietary information for registrants. This information can be reported on using the following reports: Course Logistics, Course Registrants, Attendance Register, Registrations List and Registration List (Advanced).