Arlo allows you to import contacts from a spreadsheet using the contact importer. This allows you to create new contacts and update existing records. It can be used for a one-off import or as part of a routine process to keep contact records synchronized with another system, e.g. HR, CRM, or member database.
- Read our tips and tricks for importing data.
- Requires only the FirstName, LastName and EmailAddress columns to be included in the import file. All other supported columns can be added or omitted as required.
- Supports linking contacts with existing organisations or creates new organisations if they do not already exist.
- Matches and updates existing contacts' details if the rules for updating contacts are followed.
- Supports the ability to add a presenter role to contacts and add or update presenter profiles.
- The import file must be a CSV (Comma delimited) file type. Use the Save as feature in Microsoft Excel to save the import file in the correct file type format.
- The default limit for a contact import is 1000 at a time.
- For regional platforms, the Regions field must be included in files when creating or editing contact records. If not included, the contacts in the file will be added to all regions (irrespective of any previous regions they were available in).
- The only custom fields available for contact imports are contact custom fields.
- Open the Contacts menu item.

- Select More... and click Import Contacts.

- Click Download the template file and fill it in with the information you would like to import. Ensure you review the columns and rules for using the importer.

- Choose whether or not you want to update existing contact information, with any new information on the import file detected. Learn more about rules for updating contacts using the importer.

- Choose whether you would like organisations to be automatically linked to imported contacts based on the domain of their email address.

- Add your completed CSV import file to the wizard by pressing Browse.
- Press Upload Contacts to begin the import. If any errors are detected they will be displayed onscreen.
The importer is designed to allow you to update the details of existing contacts. Arlo will attempt to match a contact being imported with an existing contact when:
- The Guid field is the same, or
- The FirstName, LastName, and EmailAddress are the same
The FirstName, LastName, and EmailAddress fields still need to be included in all contact imports, even if using the Guid column.
The system will attempt to match on Guid first, and then Firstname, Lastname, and EmailAddress.
If the system matches Guid with an existing contact, all information including names and email address can be changed. This is useful if you need to change existing customers names without creating a new record.
If you try to update a contact's first name, last name, or email, without including the Guid field in the import file, a new contact will be created.
To update existing contacts' first name, last name, or email address, include Guid as a field column heading in your import file, along with: FirstName, LastName, and EmailAddress.
To retrieve each contact's Guid value, use the Contacts List Advanced report.
If you choose to update existing information where a match is found, the following rules apply;
- If the existing contact contains data in a field, and the same field being imported has no value (is blank), then the data in the existing field will be deleted. If you don't want the existing data to be deleted from these records, delete the columns from the sheet in Excel.
- If the existing contact contains data in a field, and the same field being imported also contains data, then the data in the existing field will be updated with the data being imported.
- If the existing contact contains data in a field, but the field is not included in the file being imported, then the existing data will remain unchanged.
If you do not choose to update existing information, then where a match is found the details for the existing contact will not be updated.
The following table provides a list of columns that can be included in your import file. The table also includes any additional rules that must be followed for an import to be successful.
- Column headings are not case sensitive.
- Each of the fields listed must be activated on your platform before they are visible when editing a contact.
- All fields have a maximum number of characters that they will accept. Typically this is either 63 or 127 characters.
- If an import fails with an Inner Exception error, look for a field in your import file that exceeds this character limit then edit it down.
Guid | No | Single line of text | Mandatory field only if updating an existing contact's name or email address. Retrieved via Contacts List Advanced report. |
FirstName |
Yes |
Single line of text |
Mandatory field |
LastName | Yes | Single line of text | Mandatory field |
EmailAddress | Yes | Valid email address | Mandatory field |
Title | Single line of text |
Your platform will be set up with a predefined list of values for this field. For example; "Mr", "Mrs", "Ms", "Miss", "Sir", "Dame", or "Dr". The importer supports importing any value into the field, provided it is in the format of a Single line of text. Once imported you will be able to edit the contact and view the imported value, but you will only be able to change it to one of the predefined values set up on your platform (above). |
PreferredName | Single line of text | Use PreferredName field only if a contact wishes to be called by a name other than their given first name. | |
Information | Multiple lines of text | Field does not support HTML tags | |
NationalStudentNumber | Single line of text | NSN number | |
ContactCode | |||
Phone Details | |||
WorkPhone | Single line of text | ||
HomePhone | Single line of text | ||
Mobile | Single line of text | ||
Fax | Single line of text | ||
Internet | |||
Website | Valid website address | e.g. | |
Skype | Single line of text | Skype username. | |
Address Details | |||
PostalAddressLine1 | Yes - If other Postal Address lines are included. If you don't have this we suggest using 'Unknown' |
Single line of text | |
PostalAddressLine2 | Multiple lines of text |
If an address contains more than two lines, use PostalAddressLine1 for the first line and concatenate the other lines into PostalAddressLine2. Hint: Read Concatenate (merge) two columns of data into a single column within Tips and tricks for importing data. |
PostalAddressSuburb | Single line of text | ||
PostalAddressPostCode | Single line of text (8 character limit) |
PostalAddressCity | Single line of text | ||
PostalAddressState | Single line of text | ||
PostalAddressCountry | Single line of text | If you are setting the country to be something other than your platform's default, you must also import a value in PostalAddressLine1. If you don't have a value for Line 1 we suggest using Unknown. |
WorkAddressLine1 | Yes - If other Postal Address lines are included. If you don't have this we suggest using 'Unknown' |
Single line of text | |
WorkAddressLine2 | Multiple lines of text |
If an address contains more than two lines, use WorkAddressLine1 for the first line and concatenate the other lines into WorkAddressLine2. Hint: Read Concatenate (merge) two columns of data into a single column within Tips and tricks for importing data. |
WorkAddressSuburb | Single line of text | ||
WorkAddressPostCode | Single line of text (8 character limit) |
WorkAddressCity | Single line of text | ||
WorkAddressState | Single line of text | ||
WorkAddressCountry | Single line of text | If you are setting the country to be something other than your platform's default, you must also import a value in WorkAddressLine1. If you don't have a value for Line 1 we suggest using Unknown. |
Area | |||
Regions |
Yes (for regional platforms only) |
Short region name separated by commas or AllRegions | This column is only relevant to platforms that have multiple regions setup. Either set the value to;
If this column is not included, Arlo will associate contacts with all regions. |
Organisation Details | |||
OrganisationName | Single line of text | Arlo will attempt to match the OrganisationName with an existing organisation. If a match is found, the contact will be linked to the organisation. If a match is not found, a new organisation will be created and linked to the contact. |
Position | Single line of text | ||
ManagerText | Single line of text | e.g. John Smith | |
Department | Single line of text | ||
BusinessUnit | Single line of text | ||
Personal Details | |||
SpecialDiet | Single line of text | e.g. Vegetarian. If the field is left blank then the tickbox will default to No. |
Disability | Single line of text | e.g. Vision impaired. If the field is left blank then the tickbox will default to No. |
Gender | Single line of text |
Your platform must be set up with a predefined list of values for this field. The importer supports importing any value into the field provided it is in the format of a Single line of text. Once imported you will be able to edit the contact and view the imported value but will only be able to change it to one of the predefined values set up on your platform. |
Citizenship | Single line of text |
The column will need to be added to the import file. | |
DateOfBirth | Date format: d-mmm-yyyy |
e.g. 1-Mar-2001. Learn about how to format the dates. |
Status | Active or Inactive | If this column is not included in the import file then all imported contacts will be set as Active by default. | |
AgeGroup | Your platform must be set up with a predefined list of values for this field. | ||
Ethnicity | Your platform must be set up with a predefined list of values for this field. | ||
Resident | TRUE / FALSE | Enter TRUE if a resident or FALSE if not. | |
HighestLevelofAchievement | Your platform must be set up with a predefined list of values for this field. | ||
Marketing | |||
Newsletter | TRUE / FALSE | Enter TRUE to subscribe to a newsletter. | |
NewsletterTopics |
Important: Your platform must be set up with a predefined list of values for this field. Where a contact is subscribed to multiple topics, separate the topic values with a comma in the cell, e.g. Marketing,Sales,Finance If your topics are more than one word, you will need to add speech marks around the values and then separate each value with a comma, e.g. "Marketing","Business Strategy","Sales" |
NewsletterDelivery |
Available options are: Email, Post, or Post and email | ||
NoBulkEmails |
Enter TRUE if Contact does not wish to receive bulk emails. | |
NoBulkPost |
TRUE / FALSE | Enter TRUE if Contact does not wish to receive bulk post. | |
PreferredContactMethod |
Available options are: Email or Phone | ||
LastCampaignDate |
Date format: d-mmm-yyyy |
e.g. 1-Mar-2021. Learn about how to format the dates. |
ReferredBy |
Your platform must be set up with a predefined list of values for this field. For example; "Word of mouth" or "Colleague" | ||
MembershipExpiry |
Date format: d-mmm-yyyy |
e.g. 1-Mar-2024. Learn about how to format the dates. |
Presenter Details |
PresenterRole |
TRUE / FALSE | Enter TRUE if the Contact will be marked as a presenter. | |
PresenterProfile |
Multiple lines of text | ||
PresenterInterests |
Multiple lines of text | ||
PresenterQualifications |
Multiple lines of text | ||
PresenterOnWebsite |
PresenterContactDetailsOnWebsite |
PresenterContactDetailsInCommunications |
Consent Details |
contact_consent_system_name_is_granted |
Required if either of the other two contact consent fields are present | TRUE / FALSE |
This is the system name of the consent field that is generated by Arlo when you create the consent field. As the system name is unique to each field, you use this to import the consent field information. To find the system name:
system_name should be replaced by the system name of your consent field |
contact_consent_system_name_response_note |
Multiple lines of text |
This is the Response text of the consent field that is taken at the time of consent. e.g. Yes, I'd like to receive your monthly newsletter of upcoming events and promotions. system_name should be replaced by the system name of your consent field |
contact_consent_system_name_revision_number |
This is the number of the version of this consent. Versions are used as a control if you change the wording of the consent, or change your marketing processes. You can create a new version of the consent, and be able to track which version of the consent your customers agreed to. You can then use the version number in your reporting and campaigns to ensure you are sending marketing information to those people who have agreed to receive that material. When importing your existing consents, enter the number of the version in this column, e.g. 1. To find the revision number of your current consent field in Arlo:
system_name should be replaced by the system name of your consent field |
Custom contact fields can be imported with your contacts. If your custom fields do not exist, you will need to create them first.
- Open the Settings menu item.

- From the Platform setup section, select Fields.

- Select Contacts.
- Find the custom field you would like to import and press Edit.
- Copy the fields System Name and paste it into your import template as a new column.

- Fill in the information you would like to import into the fields, in the new column.
- Repeat for other fields, as required.