Arlo allows you to import registrations for a course from a spreadsheet, using the registration importer. You can choose to send course instructions as part of the process.
It can import registrants for a single course or for multiple courses as part of a single import. It can also be used as a tool to update existing registration details (e.g. course attendance and grades after a course has run) and can send course-related communication.
Read our tips and tricks for importing data.
If you need to import registrations for historical courses, use the historical registrations importer instead.
- Requires only the FirstName, LastName, and EmailAddress columns to be included in the import file. If you are importing registrations onto multiple courses from a single file, CourseCode is also required. All other supported columns can be added or omitted as required.
- Supports updating registration details e.g. status, attendance, grade, result where FirstName, LastName and EmailAddress are the same (and CourseCode where multiple courses registrations are on the file).
- Supports linking contacts with existing organisations or creates new organisations if they do not already exist.
- The importer warns you if a contract will be registered on a course template that they have previously been registered on.
- The importer warns you if a course will be oversubscribed as a result of the import, i.e. the number of registrants is greater than the maximum registration limit.
- The import file must be a CSV (comma delimited) file type. Use the Save as. feature in Microsoft Excel to save the import file in the correct file type format.
- Does not support importing registrations onto a course with a choice of sessions.
- Has a default limit of 30 registrations at a time.
- If you have automated certificates activated for the course, and you want them to be sent to the imported registrants, you will need to import the registrations with the conditions required for the course (i.e. Completed, Attended, Passed etc), then you will need to go to the Certificates email on the course, tick to Apply your selected criteria retroactively to all existing registrations, and save the changes (and the course). Your imported registrants (and any other registrants on the course who meet the criteria who have not already received their certificate), will then be sent their certificate, based on the configured delay setting.
- The only custom fields available for registration imports are registration custom fields.
- Importing registrations will create new contacts.
- You can import new contacts with the registrations import but you cannot import custom contact fields. You would need to complete a separate contact import to import the custom contact fields.
You can use the registration importer to import registrations onto either a single course or multiple courses at the same time. There are different methods of completing the import depending on whether the import is for one course or more.
- Open the course you would like to import registrations for.
- From the toolbar, press Registration.

- Select Import Registrations.

- Click Download the template file and fill it in with the information you would like to import. Ensure you review the columns and rules for using the importer.

- Choose whether or not to update existing contact and registration information.
Learn more about updating existing registrations and updating existing contacts.

- Choose whether you would like communication to be sent.

- Add your completed CSV import file to the wizard by pressing Browse.
- Press Upload Registrations to begin the import. If any errors are detected they will be displayed onscreen.
The following process describes how to import registrations on multiple courses as part of a single file import.
- Open the Courses menu item.

- Press More... and select Import registration.

- Click Download the template file and fill it in with the information you would like to import. Ensure you review the columns and rules for using the importer.

- Choose whether or not to update existing contact and registration information.
Learn more about updating existing registrations and updating existing contacts.

- Choose whether you would like communication to be sent.

- Add your completed CSV import file to the wizard by pressing Browse.
- Press Upload Registrations to begin the import. If any errors are detected they will be displayed on-screen.
The importer is designed to allow you to update the details of existing registrations. Arlo will attempt to match a registration within the file being imported with an existing registration when;
- The CourseCode, FirstName, LastName, and EmailAddress are the same
If you choose to update existing registration information, the following rules apply where a match is found;
- If the existing registration contains data in a field and the same field being imported has no value (is blank), then the data in the existing field will be deleted.
- If the existing registration contains data in a field and the same field being imported also contains data, then the data in the existing field will be updated with the data being imported.
- If the existing registration contains data in a field, but the field is not included in the file being imported, then the existing data will remain unchanged.
If you do not choose to update existing information then where a match is found the details for the existing contact will not be updated.
The importer allows you to update the details of existing contacts. Arlo will attempt to match a contact being imported with an existing contact when;
- The FirstName, LastName, and EmailAddress are the same
If you choose to update existing information where a match is found the following rules apply;
- If the existing contact contains data in a field and the same field being imported has no value (is blank), then the data in the existing field will be deleted.
- If the existing contact contains data in a field and the same field being imported also contains data, then the data in the existing field will be updated with the data being imported.
- If the existing contact contains data in a field, but the field is not included in the file being imported, then the existing data will remain unchanged.
If you do not choose to update existing information then where a match is found the details for the existing contact will not be updated.
Each of the fields listed below must be activated on your platform before they are visible when editing a contact/registration.
- Column headings are not case sensitive.
- Each of the fields listed must be activated on your platform before they are visible when editing a contact. Read more information about configuring fields.
- All fields have a maximum number of characters that they will accept. Typically this is either 63 or 127 characters.
- If an import fails with an 'Inner Exception' error, look for a field in your import file that exceeds this character limit then edit it down.
- Fields currently not supported: Area, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Business region, Business area, Business location, Branch, Employment status, Cost centre, Citizenship, National Student Number.
CourseCode | Yes | Single line of text | Only required when importing registrations for multiple courses by accessing the Registration Importer tool from the Registration section (not the courses page). |
Comments | Multiple lines of text | Field does not support HTML tags. | |
Attendance | Attended, DidNotAttend, or blank | ||
Result | PASS, FAIL, or blank | ||
Grade | Single line of text | ||
RegistrationStatus |
Active or Cancelled | If this column is not included in the import file then all imported registrations will be set as Active by default. | |
RegistrationDate | Date format: dd-mmm-yyyy | The date the registration was created (can be historical). Read how to format the dates. |
PurchaseOrder |
Single line of text | ||
FirstName | Yes | Single line of text | |
LastName | Yes | Single line of text | |
EmailAddress | Yes | Valid email address | |
Title | Single line of text |
Your platform will be set up with a predefined list of values for this field. For example; Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Sir, Dame, or Dr. The importer supports importing any value into the field provided it is in the format of a Single line of text. Once imported you will be able to edit the contact and view the imported value but will only be able to change it to one of the predefined values set up on your platform. |
PreferredName | Single line of text | Use PreferredName field only if a contact wishes to be called by a different name other than their given first name. | |
Information | Multiple lines of text | Field does not support HTML tags. | |
Phone details | |||
WorkPhone | Single line of text | ||
HomePhone | Single line of text | ||
Mobile | Single line of text | ||
Fax | Single line of text | ||
Internet | |||
Website | Valid website address | e.g. | |
Skype | Single line of text | Skype username. | |
Address details | |||
PostalAddressLine1 | *If other Postal Address lines included | Multiple lines of text | |
PostalAddressLine2 | Single line of text | ||
PostalAddressSuburb | Single line of text | ||
PostalAddressPostCode | Single line of text |
PostalAddressCity | *If PostalAddressLine1 included | Single line of text | |
PostalAddressState | Single line of text | ||
PostalAddressCountry | Single line of text | ||
WorkAddressLine1 | *If other Work Address lines included | Multiple lines of text | |
WorkAddressLine2 | Single line of text | ||
WorkAddressSuburb | Single line of text | ||
WorkAddressPostCode | Single line of text (8 character limit) | ||
WorkAddressCity | *If PostalAddressLine1 included | Single line of text | |
WorkAddressState | Single line of text | ||
WorkAddressCountry | Single line of text | ||
Organisation details | |||
OrganisationName | *If other organisation details included | Single line of text | Arlo will attempt to match the OrganisationName with an existing organisation. If a match is found the contact will be linked to the organisation. If a match is not found a new organisation will be created and linked to the contact. |
Position | *Must have organisation if adding Position. | Single line of text | |
ManagerText | *Must have organisation if adding ManagerText. | Single line of text | e.g. John Smith |
Department | *Must have organisation if adding Department. | Single line of text | |
BusinessUnit | *Must have organisation if adding BusinessUnit. | Single line of text | |
Personal details | |||
SpecialDiet | Single line of text | e.g. Vegetarian | |
Disability | Single line of text | e.g. Vision impaired | |
Gender | Single line of text |
Your platform will be set up with a predefined list of values for this field. For example; Male or Female. The importer supports importing any value into the field provided it is in the format of a Single line of text. Once imported you will be able to edit the contact and view the imported value but will only be able to change it to one of the predefined values set up on your platform. |
DateOfBirth | Date format: dd-mmm-yyyy | e.g. 1-Mar-2011. Learn how to format the dates. |
AgeGroup | Single line of text |
Your platform will be setup with a predefined list of values for this field. The importer supports importing any value into the field provided it is in the format of a Single line of text. Once imported you will be able to edit the contact and view the imported value but will only be able to change it to one of the predefined values set up on your platform. |
Ethnicity | Single line of text | ||
Citizenship | Single line of text | ||
Resident | TRUE or FALSE | ||
PriorActivity | Single line of text | ||
HighestLevelofAchievement | Single line of text | ||
Marketing details | |||
Newsletter | TRUE or FALSE | TRUE = newsletter subscriber, FALSE or blank = non subscriber | |
NoBulkEmails | TRUE or FALSE | ||
PreferredContactMethod | Single line of text | ||
LastCampaignDate | Date format: dd-mmm-yyyy | e.g. 1-Mar-2021. Learn how to format the dates. |
ReferredBy | Single line of text | ||
Code details | |||
ContactCode | Single line of text. Must be unique. | The database name for this column may be labelled differently on your platform. For example, you may have changed the name to Customer Number, Membership ID, or another name. | |
ContactCode2 | Single line of text | As with the ContactCode column, the label of this field may be different on your platform. | |
Boolean1 | TRUE or FALSE | The database name for this column will be labelled differently on your platform. For example is may be called Member where the value is either TRUE or FALSE. | |
MembershipExpiry | Date format: dd-mmm-yyyy | e.g. 1-Mar-2024. Learn how to format the dates. |
NationalStudentNumber | Single line of text | NSN number | |
Other details | |||
Status | Active, Archived, or Completed | If this column is not included in the import file then all imported contacts will be set as Active by default. |
Custom registration fields can be imported with your registrations if they have been created in Arlo. If your custom fields do not exist, read more information about adding fields.
- Open the Settings menu item.

- In the Platform setup section, select Fields.

- Select Registrations.
- Find the custom field you would like to import and press Edit.

- Copy and paste the System Name of the field onto your import template as a new column.

- Fill in the information you would like to import into the fields, in the new column.
- Repeat for other fields, as required.