Arlo allows you to import course templates from a spreadsheet using the course template importer. This allows you to create new course templates and update existing records. It can be used for a one-off import or as part of a routine process to keep course information up to date on your website.
Read our tips and tricks for importing data.
- Open the Courses menu item.

- Press More... and select Import Course Templates.

- Click Download the template file and fill it in with the information you would like to import. Ensure you review the columns and rules for using the importer.

- Choose whether or not you want to update existing template information, with any new information on the import file detected.

- Add your completed CSV import file to the wizard by pressing Browse.
- Press Upload Course Templates to begin the import. If any errors are detected they will be displayed on-screen.
The default course template import limit is 200 at a time. Contact Arlo Support if you need to increase this limit.
The importer is designed to allow you to update the details of existing course templates. Arlo will attempt to match a contact being imported with an existing contact when the TemplateCode field is the same.
When completing the import, tick Update existing template information to activate this option.
If you try to update a course templates details without including the existing TemplateCode in the import file, a new course template will be created.
The following table provides a list of columns that can be included in your import file. The table also includes any additional rules that must be followed for an import to be successful.
- Column headings are not case sensitive.
- All fields have a maximum number of characters that they will accept. Typically this is either 63 or 127 characters.
- If an import fails with an Inner Exception error, look for a field in your import file that exceeds this character limit then edit it down.
TemplateCode | Yes | Single line of text | Mandatory field. |
Name | Yes | Single line of text | Mandatory field. |
DefaultScheduleType |
Yes | Single line of text |
Mandatory field. Options: Basic, Advanced Only use Advanced if you wish to use the template for multi-session events. |
AdvertisedDuration |
Single line of text | ||
Summary |
Multiple lines of text | Field does not support HTML tags. | |
Description | Yes | Multiple lines of text | Read how to convert specially formatted course information content (e.g. contains bullet points) into HTML. |
Prerequisites |
Multiple lines of text | ||
DefaultPriceExclTax | Yes | Numerical value including decimal points e.g. 100.00 | This will import the ex-tax price and set it to be tax-free (you will need to manually change this in the template after the import). Comma separate for multi-region prices (order the prices same as you do the regions) |
Provider |
Single line of text | ||
ManagerFirstName |
Only if any other Manager lines are included | Single line of text | |
ManagerLastName |
Only if any other Manager lines are included | Single line of text |
ManagerEmailAddress |
Only if any other Manager lines are included | Single line of text | |
DefaultReminder1 |
Numerical figure followed by hours, days, weeks or months | e.g. 2 weeks | |
DefaultReminder2 |
Numerical figure followed by hours, days, weeks or months | e.g. 3 days | |
DefaultReminder3 |
Numerical figure followed by hours, days, weeks or months | e.g. 12 hours | |
DefaultSpecialInstructions |
Multiple lines of text | ||
DefaultRegistrationMethod | Yes | Single line of text |
OrderProcess for paid courses (where orders need to be generated) or QuickRegistration for free courses that do not require orders CustomURL to direct registrants to another website when they click register (not managed by Arlo) Learn more about registration methods |
DefaultRegistrationUrl |
Only if the DefaultRegistration Method is set to CustomURL | Single line of text |
The URL you would like to direct users to when they click 'register' (e.g. if registration is not being managed by Arlo). |
Category | Category name separated by commas | Category must already exist in Arlo. Multiple categories can be entered at once but must be separated by commas. | |
Discoverability | Single line of text |
Options: Unpublished, DiscoverableViaLink, or Published. Defaults to Published. |
Region | Only for multi-region platforms | Short region name separated by commas | Include the Short Region Name. Where you are including multiple regions, separate these with a comma. If this column is not included, or if the field is left blank, Arlo will associate event template with all regions. |
Status | Single line of text | Options: Active, or Archived | |
Custom Website Content Sections | Website section name (use a new column for each section) | Remove spaces, commas, or other unique characters from existing field name, e.g. Target Audience = TargetAudience |
This section outlines how to convert text into HTML so that it can be included in the course template importer, and displayed on your course website pages correctly.
- Open the Courses menu item.

- Press New course.
- Navigate to the Website tab (you won't be saving the event, so just enter dummy information to get here).
- Copy your text from the external source.
- Paste the content into the Description section.

- Apply the appropriate formatting you would like on the text.
- Press the HTML button.

- Copy the information in the HTML editor.

- Paste this information into your import sheet. The format of the text is now HTML and will be imported as such.