The following instructions describe how to set up your courses to send surveys. Instructions on setting up survey reminder emails can be found in this article -
If you choose that the surveys should be sent when the course starts:
- Arlo will send the survey to all active registrants who have not already been marked as Did not attend.
- If you know that a registrant is not going to attend, you should record them as Did not attend or cancel their registration before the course starts.
If you choose that the surveys should be sent when the course ends:
- Arlo will also send the survey to all active registrants who have not already been marked as Did not attend.
- You should try to record your attendance before the course finishes.
If you choose that the surveys should be sent when attendance is recorded:
- Arlo will only send out the survey to all completed registrants who have been marked as Attended.
- Arlo will not send surveys to registrants who have been cancelled or marked as Did not attend before the survey is sent.
- Surveys will only be sent if attendance is marked within two weeks of the course end date.
- Create your new course up to the Survey step or open the required course in edit mode.
- Select the Survey tab.
- Select the survey option, and the survey to be sent. Learn more about survey options.
If you select the 'Add responses to an existing survey' you can filter survey responses by course but only if you have setup custom dimensions and have the correct Survey Monkey plan.
- If you are creating a new survey, you will also have the option to set the survey name. To change the Survey name, press Change name.
By default, the survey will use the survey template name, and add the course code to the end to help easily identify which course the survey relates to. If you are going to be collating responses for multiple courses on a single survey, we recommend removing the course code from the title.
- In the Delivery section, choose when you would like your survey to be sent.
Surveys will only send to registrants who were approved before the course started otherwise they will need to be sent manually.
- Enter the email subject and email content. Some replacers are mandatory. Use other replacers to add extra dynamic information to personalise your email.
- Press Next.
- If enabled, Activate and/or edit survey reminders as required.
- Ensure that the sender details for the course (specifically the 'Reply-to' email address field) does not use a role-based email address. For security reasons, SurveyMonkey does not support send surveys from role-based email addresses like support@, training@, admin@, or info@.
- Complete the course creation process.
You can send manually surveys to individual registrants where needed for a course. The survey that is sent will be determined by the survey option selected on the course.
- Open the course you would like to send surveys for.
- Tick the checkbox next to the names that you would like to send a survey.
- Press Actions and select Send surveys.
- Arlo will dispatch the course's survey to the selected registrants.
If your organisation does not use SurveyMonkey, e.g. you might use Google Forms, you can:
- Use Arlo's follow up email feature to send a link to your survey form. Learn more about follow up emails.
- Export your registration details from Arlo and import them into your survey software.