If you have a JavaScript WebControls integration, Arlo generates a sitemap for your templates, categories, venues and presenters which helps search engines to crawl your site. The following article describes how to enable your sitemap and add your Arlo sitemap to your website.
A sitemap is essentially a file that contains a list of the pages and URL's on a website. You could think of it as a sort of 'road map' for your website. Sitemaps are not required but are highly encouraged for all websites. This helps with Search Engine Optimization because it makes it easier for search engines to find all the content on your website. Sitemaps are especially important for new websites, very large (lots of pages) sites, or sites with large archives.
- Open the Settings menu.

- Select the Website integration option.

- At the bottom of the WebControls section, once your controls are enabled, you can Enable your sitemap from the Sitemap section.

- Once enabled, you will see a link to your sitemap.

Generation of the sitemap happens once a day. If you would like to update your sitemap immediately, press Rebuild sitemap.

Once you have the Arlo sitemap enabled, you can add it to your sitemap and then let Google know about the changes.
- Create a sitemap index file. This will contain a link to your existing sitemap (if you have one) and an entry for your Arlo sitemap.
- Upload it to the root folder of your website.
- Modify your robots.txt file for your website on your web server by adding the following line:
- Sitemap: {ArloSitemapURL}
Note: Change the {ArloSitemapURL} to the correct URL
- Log into Google Search Console and choose your website.
- From the left menu, select Crawl then URL Parameters and add the following parameters
Note: Parameters should be entered exactly as stated and the setting for all parameters should be set as shown below.
- eventtemplate
- presenter
- venue
- categoryfilter-categoryid
- categoryfilter-traversablecategories
- Does this parameter change page content seen by the user? YES
- How does this parameter affect page content? Specifies
- Which URLs with this parameter should Googlebot crawl? Every URL
- eventtemplate
- presenter
- venue
- categoryfilter-categoryid
- categoryfilter-traversablecategories

- Submit your new sitemap_index file to Google. To do this choose Crawl > Sitemaps.