In Arlo, you can have multiple different payment methods and these can be made available for use in your checkout or for your platform administrators only. The payment settings are also the place where you can add your bank account details and configure your default deposits settings.
- Open the Settings menu item.

- From the Financial section, select Payment methods.

- Press Add payment method and select Credit card.

- Select your credit card provider.

- Follow the instructions below for the gateway you have selected.
Stripe is Arlo's preferred payment gateway.
- Learn how to set up Stripe.
- Learn how to set up Paypal.
- Learn how to set up Windcave (formerly Payment Express).
- Learn how to set up
- Open the Settings menu item.

- From the Financial section, select Payment methods.

- Press Add payment method and select the payment method you would like to enable, e.g. Invoice.

- Choose the Order approval settings.

- Choose the Payment due dates settings.
Learn more about payment due date settings.

- Choose if the payment method should available for registrants on your website checkout.
If you do not tick this, the payment method will be available for internal use only, i.e. for your administrators to use.

- Choose the Payment Label. This is the label you want to appear with the payment method name.

- Choose the payment messages to be displayed on the checkout when this payment method is selected.

- Scroll to the top of the page and press Save or Save and Close.
- Repeat this process for any other payment methods you need to add.
- Open the Settings menu item.

- From the Financial section, select Payment methods.

- From the Default payment methods section, select from the drop-down the default payment methods for your website and the management platform.
Only the payment methods you have made available on the website will be displayed in the Website field.

If you are sending invoices from Arlo, you need to ensure that you add your Bank account number.
- Open the Settings menu item.

- From the Financial section, select Payment methods.

- Add your bank account number in the Bank account number field.
If you need to add additional details e.g. a Swift code or BSB, you can simply insert it alongside the number.

- Add your account name in the Account name or code field.

- Press Close.
Arlo's payment due date functionality allows you to be flexible with your payment terms while ensuring you can receive payments from your customers at a time that suits your business.
In Arlo, you can set the order date to be either the date the order was created, or the start date of the first event on the order.
- Open the Settings menu item.

- From the Financial section, select Payment methods.

- Select the payment method you would like to edit.
- To set the order date as the date the order was created, in the Set order date using section, select Date order created.

- To set the order date as the start date of the first event on the order, in the Set order date using section, select Start date of the first event.
If this option is selected, you cannot set the payment due date to be before the start date of the first event.

In Arlo, you are able to choose, for each payment method, whether payment should be made at a period before the first event on the order, or at a specified time after the order date.
- Open the Settings menu item.

- From the Financial section, select Payment methods.

- Select the payment method you would like to edit.
- In the Set order date using section, select Date order created.
- In the Payment due section, select days before the first event starts and enter the required number of days.

If the order is placed within this period, the payment due date will default to the start date of the first event on the order. If the order is placed after the start of the first event, the payment due date will be the same day.
- Open the Settings menu item.

- From the Financial section, select Payment methods.

- Select the payment method you would like to edit.
- In the Set order date using section, select Date order created.
- In the Payment due section, select days before the first event starts and enter 0.

If an order is placed after the course start date, the payment due date will be the same day.
- Open the Settings menu item.

- From the Financial section, select Payment methods.

- Select the payment method you would like to edit.
- In the Set order date using section, select either Date order created or Start date of the first event.
- In the Payment due section, select days after order date and enter the required number of days.

If the order date setting is set to Date order created, you have the option to ensure payment is due before the event. To do this, tick the Use the first event start date when payment due date is after the start of the event checkbox.

If your platform has multiple regions, you will need to fill in the payment settings that you would like available for each region.
- Open the Settings menu item.

- From the Financial section, select Payment methods.

- You can switch between each region at the top of the key and payment settings. If you have a high number of regions, there will be a drop-down.
You must save each time before moving to a new region, or the settings will not be retained e.g. Complete the payment settings for New Zealand, press Save, and then select a new region.

If you are using Stripe, this will automatically be connected to all regions, as Stripe have multi-currency support built-in for some regions. You cannot use separate Stripe accounts for different regions.
- Open the Settings menu item.

- From the Financial section, select Payment methods.

- Hover over the payment method you would like to remove.
- Click Remove.
- Press Remove payment method.
This section outlines the standard order processes for each of the supported payment methods in Arlo.
- The client chooses Credit card as their chosen payment method in the checkout.
- The client is directed to the payment gateway screen to complete their payment.
If you are using Stripe as your payment gateway, your client will not be directed to the payment gateway as the gateway is seamlessly integrated into Arlo's checkout.
- The order is created in Arlo and marked automatically as Paid and Approved.
- Event Instructions are sent to registrants
- A Receipt (or Order Approval depending on your order settings) is sent to the order contact.
The following credit card payment providers are supported:
- The client chooses Bank transfer as their chosen payment method in the checkout.
- Bank transfer instructions are displayed at the end of the checkout.
- An order is created.
- A Tax Invoice (or Order Confirmation depending on your settings) is sent to the order contact.
- Once the order is approved in Arlo, Event Instructions are sent to each registrant and an Order Approval is sent to the order contact (if this setting is activated).
- On confirmation of payment, a Receipt may be sent to the order contact (if this setting is activated).
The client receives an invoice and pays on or before the due date.
- The client chooses Invoice or Account as their chosen payment method in the checkout.
- An order is created.
- A Tax Invoice (or Order Confirmation depending on your settings) is sent to the order contact.
- Once the order is approved in Arlo, Event Instructions are sent to each registrant and an Order Approval is sent to the order contact (if this setting is activated).
- On confirmation of payment, a Receipt may be sent to the order contact (if this setting is activated).
- The client chooses Cheque as their chosen payment method in the checkout.
- Instructions for paying by cheque are displayed at the end of the checkout.
- An order is created.
- A Tax Invoice (or Order Confirmation depending on your settings) is sent to the order contact.
- Once the order is approved in Arlo, Event Instructions are sent to each registrant and an Order Approval is sent to the order contact (if this setting is activated).
- On confirmation of payment, a Receipt may be sent to the order contact (if this setting is activated).
The client pays on the day of the event by cash or cheque.
- The client chooses Cash or Cheque on the day as their chosen payment method in the checkout.
- An order is created.
- A Tax Invoice (or Order Confirmation depending on your settings) is sent to the order contact.
- The order is approved in Arlo, Event Instructions are sent to each registrant and an Order Approval is sent to the order contact (if this setting is activated).
- On the day of the event, the administrator receives payment from the client. The administrator opens the order and adds the payment.
- On confirmation of payment, a Receipt may be sent to the order contact (if this setting is activated).
Orders with Free as the payment method have either:
- Been generated from an event that is free but is using the Order Process registration method.
We recommend that free events use the Quick Registration method.
- Had a 100% discount applied to the order, therefore changing the payment method to Free.
You can choose whether orders with the Free payment method should be automatically approved.
Arlo supports the ability to have a BPAY number generated on PDF invoices and you accept payments in Australia. Learn more about BPAY.
If you would like BPAY activated, contact Arlo Support.
Example: BPAY Section on a PDF Invoice