You can fully configure each of the lead forms that are linked to your Arlo platform. Lead forms can contain contact and lead fields (including custom fields). Contact fields store information against the contacts record, and lead fields store information against the individual lead.
The information you capture in these fields is visible to administrators when a new lead is received. The information can also be exported from the lead list.
Each lead form can contain different fields. Before you customise your lead forms, ensure all of the fields you would like to use have been added to your platform. Learn how to add, edit and remove fields on your platform.
You can fully configure each of the lead forms linked to your platform.
Allows your customers to register their interest in attending the course at a different date and/or location. On each course template, you have the option to enable or disable the 'Suggest a new date/location' link.
The 'Suggest another date/location' link is displayed on the course page and, if the person clicks the link, they will be taken to the 'Register interest' form. On completion of the form, a lead will be generated.
You can choose to enable leads on course templates individually.
- Open the Templates menu.

- Find and select the course template you wish to enable leads on.
- Press Edit.

- Navigate to the Website tab.

- Select the relevant lead options as required.

- Press Save. Your course listing will now display the lead links specified.
If you are not using an Arlo course template page, you will not have access to this lead form link.
You can generate a register interest link for each template by using the instructions below. In most cases, you will not need to do this, as Arlo does this automatically. If you are unsure about this process, please contact Arlo Support.
Before completing this, ensure the “Display link to suggest another date/location form” is enabled on the course template, and the course template is published on your website.
Standard platforms
- Copy the URL below into your browsers URL bar.
- Update the "<PlatformName>" in the URL to your Arlo platform name, you can find this in the URL of your Arlo management platform
e.g. https://<PlatformName>
- Update the "<TemplateCode>" in the URL to the Arlo course template code you want to generate the lead form for. You can find this when you open the template in the Arlo management platform.
This is the template code, not the course code.
- Once you have updated the Arlo platform name and template ID, press enter. You will get a line of text and within this text is a register interest form URL for your specified template.
- Copy the URL within the line of text (example below in bold). This is the URL to access the specified course templates register interest form. You can either add this to a button on your custom course pages or send this out to prospects.
{"StartIndex":0,"Count":1,"Items":[{"Code":"SP1","Name":"Sample # Paid Course","RegisterInterestUri":""}]}
Regionalised platforms
- Copy the URL below into your browsers URL bar.
- Update the "<PlatformName>" in the URL to your Arlo platform name, you can find this in the URL of your Arlo management platform
e.g. https://<PlatformName>
- Update the "<TemplateCode>" in the URL to the Arlo course template code you want to generate the lead form for. You can find this when you open the template in the Arlo management platform.
This is the template code, not the course code.
- Update the <RegionCode> within the URL with the region code of the course templates region. The region code can be found at the top of your management platform e.g. NZ or AU.

- Once you have updated the Arlo platform name, template code, and region code, press enter. You will get a line of text and within this text is a register interest form URL for your specified template.
- Copy the URL within the line of text (example below in bold). This is the URL to access the specified course templates register interest form. You can either add this to a button on your custom course pages or send this out to prospects
- Example:
{"StartIndex":0,"Count":1,"Items":[{"Code":"SP1","Name":"Sample # Paid Course","RegisterInterestUri":""}]}
Arlo course listing with no scheduled courses and suggest another date enabled

Arlo course listings with suggest another date enabled

Register interest form (fields, sections, and layout is customisable)

Arlo allows your clients to express interest in running a private course as part of the lead feature. You can capture these enquiries by adding the 'Register interest in a private course' form to your website. You can also choose to enable this form on each of your course pages.
On completion of the form, a lead will be generated in Arlo.
You can choose which course templates allow users to register their interest in running it privately.
- Open the Templates menu.

- Find and select the course template you wish to enable leads on.
- Press Edit.

- Navigate to the Website tab.

- Select the relevant lead options as required.

- Press Save. Your course listing will now display the lead links specified.
You can access and use this form by using the following link format:
http://<YourArloSiteDomain>/register-interest?t=2, (e.g.
- You can add this link anywhere to allow people to register their interest in a private course (without it being linked to a particular template).
- All courses that have private leads allowed will display a link to register interest in running that particular course privately automatically and prepopulate the course details.
Link added to courses with private course enquiry enabled.

Register interest in private course form (fields, sections, and layout is customisable).

You can add a 'Contact us' form on your website that allows your customers to submit a general inquiry with their contact details.
Many of our customers use this instead of their website's generic contact us link so that they can manage them alongside course related leads.
Access the form
You can access and use this form by using the following link format:
http://<YourArloSiteDomain>/contact-us, (e.g.
You can add this link anywhere to allow people to submit general queries about your courses. For example, you can link to this form instead of your website's general contact form.
Arlo allows your clients to submit ideas for new course topics.
You can capture these ideas by adding the 'Register interest in a new idea' form to your website. If you want your registrants to provide input and ideas on existing and potential courses, you should use the new topic lead form.
Access the form
You can access and use this form by using the following link format:
http://<YourArloSiteDomain>/register-interest?t=1, (e.g.
You can add this link anywhere to allow people to click through and let you know they want you to run a different course.
Allows your partners to submit leads for potential prospects, and have their details captured for commission purposes.
You can capture these enquiries by adding partner leads to your website. If you have an organisation that sells courses on your behalf the sales people of this partner organisation will use this form to submit leads to you.
Access the form
You can access and use this form by using the following link format:
http://<YourArloSiteDomain>/register-interest?t=5, (e.g.
You can add this link anywhere (e.g. on your website, or send in an email to your partners) to allow your partners to click through and submit a lead.