Arlo's certificates feature enables you to generate automated certificates of attendance or achievement. Certificates can be sent by email automatically, or manually. You can also download certificates to print and hand them out physically. You can include optional fields on the certificate templates for information such as event and registration information, which Arlo will then populate.
The following article provides an overview of Arlo's certificates functionality and will direct you to learn more about managing certificates of attendance and achievement in Arlo.
Arlo uses Microsoft Word's mail merge functionality to create your certificates.
Using Microsoft word, you can customize your certificate into any layout you want. Microsoft Word's mail merge functionality allows you to pull information from most fields in the platform.
Learn how to manage your certificates, including updating templates, formats, and sending your certificates.
There are a number of ways to send certificates to registrants.
You can send them based on a criteria (e.g. Completed, Attended, Passed, etc.) or you can send them to specific registrants on the course. You can also view who you have sent a certificate to.
This feature is only available on the Enterprise service plan. Contact Arlo Sales if you would like to upgrade.
Arlo allows you to set up automated certificates to be sent at the end of a course based on specific criteria (e.g. Completed, Passed, Paid, etc.). This feature also allows you to set a delay on how soon after the course the certificates should be sent out.
You can download certificates which allows you to store copies, email them externally or print a hard copy to give to your registrants.