Course templates and courses are at the heart of what Arlo does.
This article describes how to set and manage the key course settings that are available in Arlo.
In Arlo, you can set a default start and finish time for your courses. This enables you to create your courses quickly by automatically setting the start and finish times as per your defaults.
- Open the Settings menu item.

- In the Courses section, select Courses.

- From the Default course times section, using the drop-down lists, select the Default course start time and Default course finish time.

- Press Save.
Arlo includes an automated waiting list feature that allows people to register on a waiting list from the website when a course is full.
If a place becomes available, Arlo can automatically notify the first person on the waiting list. If they do not register for the course within a specified time, the next person on the list will be notified, and so on.
Arlo can also send out a notification to administrators to say that somebody has joined the waiting list.
Send a presenter request that allows presenters to either accept or decline an invitation to facilitate a course. Upon response to the request, an automated notification is sent to the course/template manager and support staff assigned to the course.
Presenters can also write an accompanying message on their request response, for example, a date they are available if they need to decline the request.
Arlo's course confirmation workflow allows you to accept registrations for a course while you wait to gather enough revenue from the course before confirming it. This is useful if you have to routinely cancel courses due to not enough interest. Before approving the course, registrants are only sent a registration acknowledgement. Once the course is approved, they are sent course instructions.
With Arlo, you can set dates for when you would like registrations for a course to open and close. This enables you to advertise courses before registrations are open, or after they are closed.
In addition, you can follow these instructions on a course template, and the setting will be applied to all future courses scheduled using the course template.
If someone has the registration link to a course (from a marketing campaign) and they click it once the registrations have closed, they will see an error message advising that registrations are closed, and they will not be able to proceed with the registration.
Late registration functionality does not apply to individual sessions. Once a session of a course has started (i.e. is in progress) users will not be unable to register for it via the checkout.
- Open the Courses menu item.

- Create a new course, or select an existing course and press Edit.
- Navigate to the Registrations tab.

- For the Registration period setting, click Edit.

- Select the period when registrations will open.

When you set registrations to close or open at a certain time, there may be a delay of ~5 minutes.
- Select the period when registrations will close.

The registrations close date and time cannot be after the course ends. Online registrations will automatically close at the end of a course.
- If you choose to open/close registrations on a specific date, or a certain time before the course starts/finishes, you can also specify a message to be displayed while registrations are not open.
- To edit the placeholder messages, untick Use default.

The placeholder will only appear if you have set your course to be published until a date which is after the registration close date. Otherwise, the course will be removed from the website automatically when registrations close.
- Complete the course set up process or press Save and close.
The following instructions explain how to define when a specific course date should be published and removed from your website automatically. By default, courses are published when they are approved and removed from your website when the registration close date has been reached.
The course template page will still be displayed on your website, this setting only removes specific course dates from the website.
- Open the Courses menu item.

- Create a new course, or select an existing course and press Edit.
- Navigate to the Website tab.

- From the Display on website setting, click Edit.

- Select when the course will be displayed on the website.

- Select when the course will be removed from the website.

By default, this will be set to the registration close date.
- Complete the course set up process or press Save and close.
- Open the Courses menu item.

- Create a new course, or select an existing course and press Edit.
- Navigate to the Registrations tab.

- Disable Accept website registrations.
- Update the Registration unavailable message as required.

- Complete the course set up process or press Save and close.
Arlo supports the ability to display the number of places left on a course.
The following information describes how to enable this feature and edit the associated settings when using the Arlo Website.
If you are using a different web solution, please consult our developer documentation.
Example: Course showing number of places remaining on a course template page, and the upcoming courses page.
- Open the Settings menu item.

- In the Website section, select Arlo website.

- In the Places left section, edit the settings as required.

- Press Save changes.
The following information describes how to manage the options displayed in the locations filter on your upcoming courses list, on course pages, and in your website menus (if these have been set up on your website).
The location options displayed on your website for Arlo courses are based on the Locations of the courses you have running. A course's location is derived from its venue.
You can update your venues' location settings to the names of the locations that you would like to appear in the location drop-down on your website.
- Open the Venues and rooms menu item.

- Find and select the venue you would like to edit.
- Press Edit.
- From the General tab, on the Location setting, un-tick Use default and edit the location name you would like to appear in the location filter on the website.

If you select Use default, the venue's city will be used for the location.
- Press Save.
If there are duplicate location entries on your website, one of your venues may have an extra character in their Location field. You will need to remove this from within Arlo.
The following instructions describe the options available for displaying a course on your website.
By default, public courses will be displayed on your course template page until registrations close, however you can control the display settings for a course, and the course template page manually.
On your website, course templates can be displayed within categories, e.g. Accounting & Finance, Leadership, Sales & Marketing, Software Skills, and Strategy. This enables your website visitors to easily find and register on the courses that interest them.
Learn how to set up your website categories and apply them to your course templates.
Arlo allows you to customise the name of your courses to differentiate them from other courses created using the same course template. This means you don't need to create a separate template for the purpose of having a unique course name. This is mainly for the benefit of customer communication.
For example, you can have one course template called Project Management, and you can create courses using that template with a custom name e.g 'Project Management - (Company)'.
The platform, email communication, and reports* will use the customised course name. Any website pages that use the template's settings will still display the original template name.
*Reports that use the course name e.g. the Course List (Advanced) can show the customised course name. Where the report only includes the template name e.g. the Course List report, the report will not show the customised course name, only the template name.
Enable course name customisation
- Open the Settings menu item.

- In the Courses section, select Courses.

- In the General section, tick Custom course names.

Course name customisation is not available on Elearning modules.
Customise a course name
You can customise a course name for a new course you are creating, or by editing an existing course.
The customised course name will show on the Arlo management platform (e.g course list pages), communications to registrants, and the course list web pages.
The customised course name will NOT show on the course template page or the catalogue pages, as these pages share the template name across multiple courses.
- Create a new course, or open an existing course and press Edit.
- Navigate to the General tab.
- From the General Details section, for the Name field, press Customise.

- Enter your custom course name.

[Template Name] will pull in the original template name through to the new customised course name.
- Complete the course set up process or press Save and close.
Example: Communications with a custom name.

Example: Course displayed on the platform's course list, showing the custom name.
This feature is only available on the Arlo Professional and Enterprise service plans. Contact Arlo Support to upgrade your service plan.
Arlo offers a fully configurable database where you can add your own course custom fields. Once set up, these fields can be used when creating a course or session and reported on using the Course list (Advanced) report.
You need to have already added your fields to the platform to complete this process.
- Open the Courses menu item.

- Create a new course, or select an existing course and press Edit.
- On the Schedule step, enter the information required for your custom fields, for example.

- Complete the course set up process or press Save and close.