The following article provides some examples of common campaign queries that you can use to find prospects for your marketing campaigns.
To learn how to choose which prospect list to filter from before adding the filters below, see add prospects to campaigns.
Add all contacts to your prospect list that have subscribed to newsletters.

Only include contacts who have provided GDPR consent.
Add all contacts that have completed a course in the past year.
You can increase the amount of courses completed by adding a value in Search all records to find Greater than X records. Example, Search all records to find Greater than 2 records - this would only include contacts that have registered for more than 2 courses.
Add all contacts that have not completed a course in the past 6 months. To exclude presenters, you must add a tag to the presenters.
Add contacts who have completed a certain amount of courses with a specific tag.
You can increase/decrease the amount of courses completed by adding a different value in Search all records to find Greater than X records. Example, Search all records to find Greater than 1 records - this would include contacts that have registered for more than 1 course.