The venues and rooms scheduler in Arlo enables you to manage the venues for your courses by giving you the ability to see all courses that are running at that venue/room in an easy to read format.
The courses on your venues scheduler are displayed in the colour that corresponds to its status, e.g. Red for full courses.
Get a view of what's on for a particular day, week or month by selecting the view from the options in the top right.
Clicking on a course brings up a popup with further information about the course, including course name, session name (if the course is a multi-session course), course date and time, presenter names, venue details, and the number of current registrations.
- You can use the status key to filter the courses that you can see in your venues and rooms scheduler. By default, the scheduler is set to exclude cancelled courses and include all other courses.

- Removing the tick from a course status will remove all courses with that status from the scheduler.
- Removing the tick from the Active status will remove all active courses (including Full, Min met, and Min not met) from the scheduler.

The venues and rooms scheduler has a powerful search bar that you can use to restrict the courses you see. You can use the search to look for venue names which include a specific word or venues in a specific location while the list filters can be used to restrict the view by locality, and room capacity.
Search filters
- Click in the search bar.

- Enter the search term.

- You can refine your search by selecting one of the search filters (City, Suburb, or Provider). Your search will then be narrowed to only include matches on the selected search filter field.

List filters
- Press the search bar's filter button.

- Select the required filter from the available options.

In your Arlo platform, you can swap between the calendar and the schedulers at the click of a button. Just press the button for the required item.