Arlo’s integration with Moodle (Learning Management System) allows you to offer elearning courses, as well as extend the value of your face-to-face and webinar courses.
You can easily offer access to course resources and material or take it further and transform your courses to a blended learning experience consisting of multiple activities. Include activities such as live online sessions, self-paced online activities, discussion forums, recorded videos, assignments, quizzes, and more.
This article answers the frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to the Moodle integration.
In order to connect your Arlo elearning module to your Moodle course, you should follow the instructions in the Link Arlo elearning modules and courses to Moodle courses help article.
In order to connect your Arlo course to your Moodle course, you should follow the instructions in the Link Arlo elearning modules and courses to Moodle courses help article.
In order to see any newly created elearning modules or course in Moodle, your \enrol_arlo\task\core scheduled task must have run since the item was approved. This task fetches any new course templates, course, or elearning modules and makes them available for connection to a Moodle course.
It is not mandatory to change your advanced configuration settings however if required these can be changed.
Navigate to Moodle Administration Menu > Site Administration > Plugins > Enrolments > Manage Arlo > Configuration to access these settings.
You can read more about the advanced configuration settings in the Arlo for Moodle settings and setup help article.
Your Moodle instance requires a cron job to be setup for your Moodle site to work (this is important).
Navigate to the URL below, adding your Moodle URL at the start.
If all scheduled tasks state ‘Never Run’, this is a sign the cron has not been set up.
View Moodle's documentation for more information.
Yes, you can link one Arlo platform to multiple Moodle sites, but not one template in Arlo to multiple Moodle courses/instances.
When linking the elearning module or course to a Moodle course, one of the settings allows you restrict the enrolment duration. By entering a time period in the field Enrolment duration, you can restrict a user's access to a set time period from the date they registered.

In Moodle, if you navigate to the Enrolment methods of the course, you will be able to see which Arlo courses are connected to that Moodle course.
The default setting for the Arlo for Moodle plugin is to automatically sync every 30 minutes. If you require an immediate synchronisation between your Arlo and Moodle platforms, the sync can be triggered manually for specific course enrolment or all courses, and you can adjust the time in which scheduled synchronisations occur.
For more information about how to trigger the immediate sync, read our Manually synchronise your Arlo for Moodle integration help article.
Yes, the moodle integration does enroll anyone from all old scheduled courses.
If the registrant does not already have an account in Moodle, Arlo creates one for them and the learner then receives a welcome email from Moodle.
User grades, results, and progress are process as part of the \enrol_arlo\task\outcomes scheduled task. The default run time for this tasks is every time the CRON is run, although this task can be set to run at a time period suitable for your processes.
As part of the Arlo for Moodle plugin, their are five scheduled tasks that run, with each scheduled task processing different items of data, i.e. the \enrol_arlo\task\enrolments task cycles through your Arlo enrolments and fetches new or updated registrations (creating an enrolment or withdrawing person from Moodle courses as required). Each scheduled task has a default running schedule, some of which can be changed to suit your workflows.
View the full list of scheduled tasks.
You can check the status of your scheduled tasks in Moodle by going to Administration > Site Administration > Server > Scheduled Tasks.
The scheduled tasks, which form the integration between Moodle and Arlo are run by the Moodle Cron.
The Moodle 'CRON' process is a PHP script (part of the standard Moodle installation) that must be run regularly in the background and which is set up to run different tasks at separately scheduled intervals.
The Moodle welcome email, course enrollment email and course expiry email can all be customised at a Moodle site level. This requires you to change the language strings on your Moodle platform.
For more information about customising your Moodle emails, read the Customising Arlo for Moodle emails help article.
The Course welcome emails can be disabled in your Arlo plugin settings by navigating to Moodle Administration Menu > Site Administration > Plugins > Enrolments > Manage Arlo > Configuration.
For more information about this, read our Advanced user enrolment settings help article.
You received this email due to a timeout response, which can happen if the server your Moodle instance is on takes too long to respond. If the webhook times out 5 times, then it could disable the webhooks. It might be the case that you're on shared hosting and the server had intermittent service issues. You can find out more about timeouts here:
If you see two of the same courses in the drop-down list, there is likely a corrupted course record in your Moodle database. You'll need to get your Moodle hosting provider to assist with checking the Moodle database to find and remove the corrupted record.