Arlo’s integration with Moodle (Learning Management System) allows you to offer eLearning courses, as well as extend the value of your face-to-face and webinar courses.
You can easily offer access to course resources and material or take it further and transform your courses to a blended learning experience consisting of multiple activities. Include activities such as live online sessions, self-paced online activities, discussion forums, recorded videos, assignments, quizzes, and more.
The Arlo for Moodle plugin is available as a free download or install from the Moodle plugin directory.
The latest plugin, version 4.1.4, now has webhook capabilities for the best performance when syncing registrations between Arlo and Moodle. Read how to configure webhooks for your Arlo for Moodle plugin here.
The Arlo-Moodle plugin does not integrate with Moodle Cloud or Moodle Workplace. Moodle Cloud only hosts its own plugins, and Moodle Workplace compatibility is unsupported.
Please ensure your Moodle instance meets the following requirements before installing the Arlo for Moodle plugin. If you are not sure if it does you will need to contact your Moodle Host with the requirements below and have them confirm for you.
- An instance of Moodle that is at least version 4.1
- Moodle Cron set up and tested by your Moodle Host
- Moodle SMTP settings configured and tested by your Moodle Host
- Access to the server's Operating System (OS) in which the Moodle platform is hosted on
- Moodle PHP version 8.1 or later
- Arlo for Moodle plugin installed
The Arlo for Moodle plugin is available as a free download or install from the Moodle plugin directory. Before downloading and installing, ensure you meet the Moodle requirements.
The Arlo for Moodle settings and setup article explains how to download and install the Arlo for Moodle plugin on your Moodle platform.
It also includes information about the configuration settings for the plugin, in addition to the settings required if you want to transfer grades and results back into Arlo once your users have completed their Moodle courses.
Learn more about setting up and configuring your Arlo for Moodle plugin.
In order to transfer registrations to Moodle from Arlo, you need to link your Arlo elearning modules, courses, and templates with Moodle courses. Once linked, you'll be able to promote and sell access to the Moodle course through your Arlo website pages.
Learn how to link Arlo courses and elearning modules with Moodle courses.
The below diagram outlines how Arlo interacts with Moodle.
Learn more about the interactions between Arlo and Moodle for courses, registrations, and contacts.
There are a number of emails sent to users as part of the Arlo for Moodle integration workflow. Some of these emails are sent from Arlo and some are sent from Moodle. The emails that are sent from Moodle can be customised within Moodle.
Learn more about the Arlo for Moodle communications.
The default setting for the Arlo for Moodle plugin is to automatically sync every 30 minutes. If you require an immediate synchronisation between your Arlo and Moodle platforms, the sync can be triggered manually for specific course enrolments or all courses, and you can adjust the time in which scheduled synchronisations occur.
Learn more about manually synchronising your Arlo for Moodle integration.
This article explains the process for managing enrolments in Moodle when one of the associated contacts has been merged in Arlo (and had an existing Moodle enrolment), or there is an existing Moodle enrolment when the Arlo enrolment is created.
Learn more about managing merged contacts in Arlo.
There are some troubleshooting steps that should be taken when experiencing any issues with the Arlo for Moodle plugin.
Learn more about how to troubleshoot your Arlo for Moodle integration.
Arlo’s integration with Moodle (Learning Management System) allows you to offer elearning courses, as well as extend the value of your face-to-face and webinar courses.
You can easily offer access to course resources and material or take it further and transform your courses to a blended learning experience consisting of multiple activities. Include activities such as live online sessions, self-paced online activities, discussion forums, recorded videos, assignments, quizzes, and more.
If you can't find the answer to question you have about the integration, check out our frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to the Moodle integration.