The 'Starter' and 'Starter for Designers' Arlo WordPress plugin theme is a simple design that can be used on wide variety of websites. Learn more about the 'For designers' themes.
The catalogue page displays course templates grouped by category. The course templates within each category are controlled from the Arlo website categories. The catalogue is designed for recurring courses whether they are scheduled or not, taking registrations of interest for the courses without scheduled dates. The catalogue displays important course information including course title, upcoming dates, duration and price.
Default filters options: Category, location, delivery type
The schedule page displays course templates grouped by category similar to the catalogue but in a list view. The course templates within each category are controlled from the Arlo website categories. The schedule is designed for recurring courses whether they are scheduled or not, taking registrations of interest for the courses without scheduled dates. The schedule displays important course information including course title, upcoming dates, duration and price.
Default filters options: Category, location, delivery type
The events list displays a list of events in order of upcoming date. Event information is displayed including title, date, duration, price, discounts, presenters, venues, providers, summary and timezone. The events list includes a register button which links to the event template page.
Filters option available: Category, month, location
The event template page displays event information from an Arlo event template and is where website visitors will be directed once they have selected an event from a list. The event information displayed on this page includes the event templates summary, duration, descriptions, dates, times, presenters, venues, locations and register buttons. The template page will display all scheduled instances of the event template including instances using a different delivery type.
Filters option available: Location
The venue list page displays a list of your venues from Arlo. The venue list includes information about each venue including name, map, address, parking information and directions. The venue information and website visibility can be controlled from the Arlo management platform.
The venue profile page displays information about a venue. The venue profile page displays important venue information including name, map, address, parking information and directions. The venue page can be accessed when clicking on a venue name from an events list or clicking on a venue from the venue list. The venue information and website visibility can be controlled from the Arlo management platform.
The presenter list page displays a list of presenters from Arlo. The presenter list includes information about the presenter including their name, interests, qualifications, achievements, images, social media profile and their upcoming events. The presenters information and website visibility is controlled from the Arlo management platform.
The presenter profile page displays information about a presenter. The presenter profile includes information about the presenter including their name, interests, qualifications, achievements, images, social media profile and their upcoming events. The presenter profile can be accessed when clicking on a presenters name from an events list or clicking on a presenter from the presenter list. The presenters information and website visibility is controlled from the Arlo management platform.
The event search page, lists the event templates on your platform in Alphabetical order. Each event has the upcoming event dates showing, as well as the summary of the event. If there are no upcoming dates scheduled, the register interest button is displayed allowing you to capture interest on the course.
The upcoming events homepage widget showcases your upcoming events and their locations. The upcoming events homepage widget automatically displays a set number of upcoming events, and allows website visitors to select an upcoming event and be directed to the selected events template page.
The categories list widget displays a list of your Arlo website categories. This widget is designed to be added to the widget sections within your site to allow user to quickly access a specific category of courses. Once a category is selected the user will be directed to the catalogue page showing the selected category of courses.
The search widget displays a search bar which allows your website users to quickly search for a course template based on keywords. The search results will show on the event search page.