Arlo's WordPress plugin lets you quickly and effectively integrate Arlo onto your WordPress website. The plugin includes a full set of pre-built page templates, shortcodes, and useful out-of-the-box themes, which makes integration a breeze!
Intermediate | Intermediate competence in HTML and CSS is required. |
Our developer site, contains all of our website integration documentation, including the Arlo WordPress Plugin documentation. A basic Arlo WordPress plugin integration can be easily deployed by selecting one of our out-of-the box pre-built themes, however, if you want to customise the layout, functionality and what data is displayed on your Arlo pages, we recommend employing the skills of an experienced developer.
The Arlo Wordpress plugin can be installed from the Wordpress Plugin directory. Follow the installation guide (linked below) to successfully install the Wordpress plugin.
As is recommended before installing any WordPress plugin, ensure that you back up your WordPress website before you begin installation of the Arlo WordPress plugin.
After you have installed the Arlo WordPress plugin, you need to setup and configure your Arlo settings. This ensures that the plugin functions correctly, and also allows you to:
- Connect the plugin to your Arlo platform (this will pull in your platform's event information. By default the plugin is connected to our websitetestdata platform)
- Configure your Regions (if you have a multi-region platform)
- Specify Tax and Free price settings and more.
The Arlo WordPress plugin, automatically synchronises with your Arlo Management platform every 30 - 75 minutes. This pulls in new or modified platform data and displays this on your website (e.g if you change something on your event in the management platform).
If you want to run a manual sync to view any recent changes you have made on the platform (e.g if you have made a change on an event, and you want to see how these changes appear on the website immediately), you can force a manual sync of the Arlo WordPress plugin.
You can create additional Arlo pages and configure how these additional pages behave. For example if your organisation offers training and events, you may want your training courses to appear on a page called 'Training', and your events to appear on another separate page called 'Events'.
You can also create and manage the data displayed on each page, for example you might want to hide your Presenter names on your website, or remove the advertised duration.
The Arlo plugin does not currently support the Avada theme. If you use the Avada theme, you will need to use the web controls integration.
The Arlo plugin provides a range of out-of-the box themes that are free to use and customise. The pre-built themes will update all Arlo powered pages on your WordPress website with the selected theme.
Our standard themes are pre-styled and are designed to allow you to simply plug and play! Our highly flexible themes (themes with the tag For Designers) provide more flexibility and inherit your websites styling.
We strongly recommend purchasing technical support, if you would like to make further customisations and/or changes to the out-of-the box themes.
The Arlo plugin provides a Custom CSS section within the plugin settings that allows you to customise the Arlo theme colors and features (look and feel) of the out-of-the box theme you have selected. This let's you modify the CSS to match your websites color scheme and branding.
If you have a skilled designer who is confident in HTML/CSS and Shortcodes, you can even install one of the 'designer' themes, which provides more flexibility in matching your websites fonts and theme. You can also customise the layout by modifying the HTML and shortcodes on each page.
Having trouble with the Arlo WordPress plugin? We have a useful troubleshooting and FAQ's article that can help you get through the most commonly encountered issues when integrating using the Arlo WordPress plugin. If you're still encountering issues after reviewing the below article, please contact Arlo support.
Technical, website integration support is not included in Arlo product support. We offer technical support packages and plans, for more information visit our website pricing page.