- Check that your site meets the minimum requirements.
- Check the FAQ (Frequently asked questions).
- Check your version of PHP - The Arlo WordPress plugin requires version 5.4+.
- Deactivate the Arlo WordPress plugin.
- If the problem still exists then this confirms that the issue is unlikely to be related to the Arlo WordPress plugin. To solve the problem, talk to your web design company and suggest they try and restore the files and database from a backup.
- If the problem is resolved when you disable the plugin and you have therefore confirmed the plugin is the cause of the issue, try reactivating the Arlo plugin and re-synchronise the data within the plugin.
- If the above step doesn't solve your issue. It may be due to conflicts with other plugins. Please check here to see our list of WordPress plugins that can cause sync issues.
- If the problem persists, contact the Arlo Support Team.
The Web Team may request access to your site for troubleshooting and investigations. You can follow the steps below to grant them administrator access to your WordPress website.
- In your WordPress website navigate to the left-hand sidebar and click on "Users"
- At the top of the page, you will find a button to "Add New User"
- Fill in the required fields with the following details:
- Username: ArloWebTeam
- Email: webteam1@arlo.co
- Password: click “Generate password”
- Role: Administrator
- Submit by clicking “Add New User”
Please make sure that this user has the role set to “Administrator” as mentioned above. Without this, the Digital Services Team can’t access the Arlo integration present in your website.
Here is a list of the most commonly asked questions regarding the Arlo WordPress plugin.
Yes! The Arlo WordPress plugin works out-of-the-box with nearly every WordPress theme. To customize the style and format of the plugin pages you can add CSS to the Custom CSS tab in the Arlo WordPress plugin settings.
If the sync fails on step 1/5, it usually means that something is blocking Arlo's API requests. Common causes of this are WordPress security plugins or server firewalls. Please see Known conflicts with other plugins and ensure the IP addresses listed there are unblocked on any security plugin.
Check your website for cache plugins. Caching plugins can interfere with the Arlo WordPress plugin. Once changes have been made to the Arlo plugin, ensure you clear or reset your caching plugins if you have them.
Your WordPress site should be kept updated to the latest version available.
No. You have to have an Arlo platform. Sign up for a free Arlo trial.
The plugin's documentation can be found in our Arlo developer site.
The minimum requirement PHP version for the plugin is PHP 5.4.
Sure! Create a new issue on the plugin's GitHub site
The Arlo WordPress plugin does inherit some of your themes existing styles however custom CSS is required to fully style the plugin.
If your event is not showing up on your website, double-check that the events website settings are all enabled/ticked.
The Wordpress plugin requires that the setting Promote Event in website.. is ticked even to display the event on the event template page. If you cannot see the event displayed on your event template page, you need to ensure all 3 website settings are ticked.
Furthermore, the Arlo WordPress plugin syncs with your Arlo platform every [40 - 70 minutes]. You can manually sync the data by click ‘Synchronize now’ on the Arlo plugins general tab.
The default for the filters shortcode is to show all filters (category, location and delivery). If you want to remove a filter option e.g. the delivery filter, you need to specify these in the shortcode. E.g. replace this short code [arlo_event_template_filters] with [arlo_event_template_filters filters=”category,location”].The same theory can be applied to the upcoming events page filters.
No, the Arlo WordPress plugin is only supported on a single WordPress site. If you want to integrate Arlo onto a Multi-site WordPress setup, we recommend using our JavaScript Web Controls.
The default duration field on the catalogue page shows the “Actual” duration of scheduled events (automatically calculated by Arlo). If you want the duration to always show, and show the advertised duration on the template, you need to update the duration shortcode to the advertised duration shortcode. Update [arlo_event_duration] to [arlo_event_template_advertised_duration]. This will allow you to control the duration shown from the "Advertised Duration" field within the event template information in Arlo.
This is because the default duration field on the catalogue page shows the “Actual” duration of scheduled events (automatically calculated by Arlo). If you have no events scheduled then their will be no “Actual” duration. If you want the duration to always show you need to update the duration shortcode to the advertised duration shortcode. Update [arlo_event_duration] to [arlo_event_template_advertised_duration]. This will allow you to control the duration shown from the "Advertised Duration" field within the event template information in Arlo.
This is because the current duration shortcode generates the duration by calculating the start and finish time and date of events. Events have dates however elearning activities do not. To make the duration show for elearning activities on the catalogue page you need to update the default duration shortcode to the advertised duration shortcode. Update [arlo_event_duration] to [arlo_event_template_advertised_duration]. This will allow you to control the duration shown from the "Advertised Duration" field within the event and elearning activity template information in Arlo.
For [arlo_event_next_running], you need to add the attribute format. You can then format how the date displays with a string pattern. E.g. [arlo_event_next_running format=”%a %d %b”] (Sun 05 Feb). Here is the documentation for the [arlo_event_next_running] shortcode. It uses a function of PHP to format the dates, here is the documentation for what to put in the string pattern.
The [arlo_event_credits] shortcode must be used within the [arlo_event_list_item] shortcode. You can find this shortcode on the event template page. You do not need to remove anything you just need to add the shortcode. This will ensure PD hours appear on the event template pages.
You can remove the course template code from anywhere on the Arlo plugin by removing the [arlo_event_template_code] shortcode which is often next to the [arlo_event_template_name] shortcode. We recommend doing a Ctrl + F and search for the shortcode then remove it where appropriate.
To show more than one date you need to add the filter attribute to the shortcode and specify the number of dates you want to show. It defaults to showing one date only. For example, if you want to show the next 3 upcoming dates for a course on the template page, update the [arlo_event_next_running] to [arlo_event_next_running limit=”3”].
The catalogue page shows event information at the template level. This includes the template name, price, duration and scheduled event dated. Each scheduled event date can be in a different location or have a different presenter therefore the catalogue page will not know which "Location" or "Presenter" to promote for each event template.
This is because you have not updated you Arlo checkout option. Arlo has 3 checkout options available, if you are not using the starter template as a website integration method (e.g. you are using WordPress Plugin) you will need to upgrade your checkout option. Take a look at Arlo's checkout options available.
In the Arlo WordPress plugin settings page you will see an option to set incl GST or excl GST. If your Arlo platform is set to excl GST you need to update the plugin setting to reflect this.
All presenters on the event need to be allowed on the website before they will show in the presenter list on the event template page.
To fix this you need to point the catalogue page to the correct place.
From the Arlo settings in your WordPress dashboard, go to Pages, and change the dropdown from 'Upcoming' to the page that has the [arlo_event_template_list] shortcode on it: