The following article describes how to add and control the display of images within your Arlo Website, as well as the recommended image dimensions.
This article only applies to customers using the Arlo Website integration method. Large image sizes will slow down the loading speed of the page. It is your responsibility to optimise the images for best performance.
If a image resolution exceeds the width/height of a image section, It will be scaled down to fit within the section. However, the aspect ratio will be respected.
- No specific dimensions.
- Max display width: 1000px.

It is recommended this image is in 21:9 ratio, but it cannot exceed 4 MB in file size. If an image is larger than the content sections height (750 px), it will be scaled down while respecting the original ratio.
The hero image is optional and displays underneath the header on the course template page. They are different and specific to each course.