This article will instruct you on how to add new elearning registrants from Arlo to Coassemble. It also explains how to build a zap to send completion information back to Arlo.
To create and use these zaps you will need to have a starter plan or above with Zapier to access multi-step zaps.
In order for Zapier to know what Coassemble course to send a registration to, you will need replace the elearning code in Arlo with the corresponding Coassemble course ID.
You will need to do this process for every Arlo elearning course you want to connect to Coassemble.
How to find the correct Coassemble ID
- Open Coassemble.
- Find the course you want to link to Arlo.
- Find the ID in the Coassemble course URL.
Replace the eLearning code with Coassemble ID
- In your Arlo platform, navigate to the elearning module.
- From the toolbar, select Edit.
- Under the General section, click Edit shared settings.
- Enter the Coassemble course ID into the Elearning code field.
- Press Save or Save and close.
In order to test the zap, once the changes have been made and saved, you will need to register a new test user on the elearning (as the new registration will include the correct course code to match the Coassemble code).
This zap will send Arlo registrants to the correct Coassemble course once they have registered and are approved.
- In your Zapier Dashboard select Create Zap.
- Search for and Select Arlo from the app selector.
- Choose New Elearning Registration as the Trigger Event and click Continue.
- Choose your account and click Continue.
- Include the following extra information.
- Contact information
- On the find data step click Test Trigger.
If Zapier says it cannot find any registrants to display try create a new registration in your platform and click test again.
- Click Continue after the test has completed.
This filter will ensure that registrations that have not yet been approved won't be given access to the Coassemble course.
- Search for and select Filter as the new Action.
- Set the filter up with the following rule to only allow approved registrants to be enrolled on the Coassemble course.
- Select continue to confirm the filter set up.
If the filter fails this is due to your sample registration not being approved. It will still proceed when turned on as long as a live registration is approved.
This action will look for current users in Coassemble and if there are no matches a new user will be created.
- Search for and select Coassemble for the action.
- Selection Find User as the Action Event.
- Connect your Coassemble account to Zapier and select it.
- Input the Arlo registrants email address.
- Select Create Coassemble User is it doesn't exist yet.
- In the new section below enter the new user information.
- Use the registrants email address as their username.
- Leave the password blank - this will be set when they first login.
- Set user type to Learner.
- Select Continue and test the action.
- Search for and select Coassemble for this action.
- Select Create Enrollment as the Action Event.
- Connect your Coassemble account to Zapier and select it.
- Enter the Arlo Elearning Code to the Course field.
Arlo can provide the Course ID to specify the correct course for the registrant to be enrolled on. To view the steps on setting this up, click here.
- Add the User ID that was found or created in the previous Action step.
- Once all the fields have been set up click Continue.
- Test the step to ensure the user is Enrolled on the right course.
This step is crucial to being able to update the grade & result fields in Arlo when the registrant complete the course in Coassemble.
It will save the registration ID so, when the registrant completes the Coassemble course, Zapier knows where to send their course completion details.
- Search for and select Storage by Zapier.
- Select Set Value as the Action Event.
- Sign in to Storage by Zapier.
- The Key should be made up of the Coassemble Course ID/eLearning code and the Coassemble User ID separated by a hyphen, eg: 57970-264862.
- The Value should be the Arlo Registration ID.
- Test action to ensure the Key is being saved to storage.
- The Zap is now created and ready to go, all that's left is to give it a name and turn it on.
Once a registrant completes their course in Coassemble, this zap will send their completion details back to Arlo.
The following zap will only work if you have added the Storage by Zapier action to your enrolment zap(s). See how to set this up here.
- In your Zapier Dashboard select Create Zap.
- Search for and Select Coassemble from the app selector.
- Choose Course Completed as the Trigger Event and click Continue.
- Choose your account and click Continue.
- On the find data step click Test Trigger.
- Click Continue after the test has completed.
- Search for and select Storage by Zapier.
- Select Get Value as the Action Event.
- Connect to your Storage by Zapier account.
- For the Key, use the same value that was added to the enrolment zap which should be Course ID and User ID separated by a hyphen.
- Pick False for whether this step is considered a success when nothing is found.
- Untick Create Storage by Zapier Value if it doesn’t exist yet.
- Test action to confirm the data is being pulled from storage.
For this test to be successful, you must have first tested the Storage by Zapier action on the enrolment zap so there is data to pull from.
You need to convert how Coassemble exports their Pass/Fail text to a format that Arlo can read using this formatter.
- Search for and select Formatter by Zapier as the new Action & select Utilities as the Action Event.
- Select the Lookup Table as the Transform action.
- Enter the Passed field from Coassemble into the Lookup Key.
- Create two lines in the Lookup Table.
- Enter True & Pass in the first row.
- Enter False & Fail in the second row.
- For the Fallback Value you can add Unknown this is Arlo's default when it doesn't know a registrations result.
- Continue to Test Action and test the step, if the sample leaner passed the course the returned output should read Pass.
- Select Arlo as the next action.
- Choose Update Registration as the Action Event.
Select your Arlo account.
- For the Arlo ID field add the Avatar field from Coassemble that has the registration ID held in it.
- Enter the output from the previous formatter step into the Outcome field.
- Fill out the rest of the fields you'd like to use.
- Continue and test the action.
- You can then check the registration it updated in Arlo and view the results.
Because Storage by Zapier has a limited capacity, it is a good idea to remove the key from your storage when you no longer need it.
- Search for and select Storage by Zapier.
- Select Set Value as the Action Event.
- Sign in to Storage by Zapier.
- Add the key from Action 2 into the Key field and leave the Value blank.
- Test action to confirm the data is being deleted from storage.
For this test to be successful, you must have first tested Action 2 of this zap so Zapier knows what key to delete.
- The Zap is now created and ready to go, all that's left is to give it a name and turn it on.