The following article is list of frequently asked questions related to discounts. This information will help you to find out why a discount is not applying or calculating as expected.
Check the discount's website settings
To show on the website, your discount needs to be set up to either, hide the standard price when this discount is available, or be promoted on the website with a label.
Discounts do not otherwise show on the website (enabling you to choose whether or not to advertise a discount to all registrants).
If this is the reason why your discount is not showing, learn how to display discounted pricing on your website.
Not showing due to multiple applicable discounts
If you have multiple discounts that are set to be included in website lists with a label, only the oldest active discount that is applicable will be shown for each course.
Discount priority is incorrect
The discounts' priorities ensures that discounts are applied in the correct order when there are multiple discounts on a course and one or more of the available discounts are set to not combine.
In most cases you can leave the priority of a discount as the default priority of 5.
However, if your discounts are not applying correctly because one or more are set to not combine, you should:
- Open the discount that gives the highest discount amount.
- Edit the priority of this discount by choosing a lower number.
- Save your discount.
- Check that your discount is now applying.
You may need to repeat the process above if there are multiple conflicting discounts.
Criteria setting is incorrect
If the discount is not applying for registrants on the website checkout, ensure that the Criteria setting is set to be Apply the discount automatically, or Apply the discount automatically when specific criteria are met.
If the Criteria setting is set to Apply the discount manually (administrators only), it will not apply on the website checkout.
If the Criteria setting is Apply the discount automatically when specific criteria are met, ensure the correct criteria are selected and they are being used correctly, as in the following examples.
Example 1. The discount is set to apply based on a checkbox or yes/no field in a contact record
- Ensure that the discount setup is referencing the correct field that the data is in, e.g. you may have two member fields.
- Ensure that the required field is either checked in the registrant's contact record.
- They are asked for it in the course's registration form
If the data is not in the registrant's record, or added at the registration stage, the discount cannot apply to that registration.
Example 2. Promotional code discount not applying on website checkout
- Ensure that the registrant is entering the correct promotional code with no typos and no spaces before or after the code.
- Ensure that the registrant is entering the promotional code in the Promotional code box, not the Voucher code box.
- When the code is entered in the promotional code box, you will need to click away from the box, or press Tab in order for the discount to be applied. This is to ensure that people have completed entering their code before the discount is displayed (useful if have multiple similar promo codes).
Course has chargeable sessions and/or options
Discounts can only be applied to the whole registration or the whole order, not individual sessions within a multi-session course, or optional extras.
To work around this and offer a discount for certain sessions, you could offer a promo code that will discount the entire registration that registrants are to use only if they register for certain sessions.
Tax setting is incorrect
If the discount's tax setting (in the calculation section of the discount's settings) is different from the course's and/or your invoice's tax setting, you may see a rounding error, e.g. $80.01.
Where enabled, advertised prices show on the upcoming course list and schedule website pages. The advertised price is the lowest discounted price available. Learn more about advertised pricing.
Advertised prices (in the "From $x..." format) do not show on the course's website page.
No courses available for website registration
Advertised prices will only show on the upcoming and schedule pages if there is a course on the template that is available for website registration.
Even if there are scheduled courses on a template, if they are not open for registrations on the website, then the advertised price will show the template price (not a From $x... price).
Incorrect course settings
Advertised prices will only show if the discount is applicable for courses on the displayed template. Check that the discount is set to be applied for courses on the template.
Learn more about the course settings for discounts.
Incorrect availability settings
Check that availability settings, especially the discount from and to date, time, and time zone are correct for when you want the discount to be available.
Example: With the settings pictured below, applicable registrants from New Zealand will be able to apply the discount from midnight on 1st October to midnight on 31st October. However, for someone registering from Melbourne, this would be 10 pm their time.
Usage limits
Once a discount has reached its maximum usage, it can no longer be applied to orders.
You can check if a discount's usage is exhausted from the discount list page. Learn how to change the usage limit.
If the discount has been created as an order discount and there are multiple courses on the order the discount calculated may be too high, as order discounts apply to all lines on the order.
For this, and other reasons, we strongly recommend creating discounts that apply to individual registrations instead.
When a discount is being added by an administator in the platform, selecting Apply order discount will only apply discounts that are set to apply to the overall order. Therefore, only order discounts will be visible in the list or available discounts.
To apply a registration discount to an order manually:
- Open the order.
- Find the registration you want to apply the discount to.
- Click Apply registration discount.
- Or press Apply available discounts.
Learn more about applying discounts to orders in the management platform.
The discount type and accounting settings will determine which reports will show the discount and how the report will display the discount.
We strongly recommend setting up discounts that apply to individual registrations rather than the overall order. This is because discounts applied to the overall order are not connected with any registration and therefore will not show on any course reports (including course revenue reports).
Registration discount report
Only discounts set up to apply to individual registrations will show in the registration discount report.
The report will show the discount in the same way, regardless of the accounting settings.
Example registration discount report for the discount "Early Bird 10% Discount" (not all available report columns are shown):
Order lines and Order lines (advanced) report
The Order lines reports allow you to include more in depth order related information, including all discount information (for both registration discounts and order discounts), as each line in the order is included.
Learn more about the Order lines and Order lines (Advanced) reports.
How discounts appear in your accounting system depends on the type of the discount and the accounting settings in the discount setup.
If the discount does not appear at all, ensure the associated order is showing in your accounting system.