Arlo supports listing the lowest price for a course based on the available discounts.
The following article explains how to use and display discounted pricing on your website's course lists and pages.
Where a discount is available, the lowest price will be displayed with the text "From" in front of it. Contact Arlo Support if you would like to enable or disable this feature on your platform.
Example: Website list with advertised pricing

When setting up a discount you can choose if the discounted price should appear on your website's course pages. You can opt to not have the discount show, have the discount show with a custom label below the standard price, or have the discounted price replace the standard price.
When setting up your registration discounts, ticking the Promote on website with label setting means that the discounted price displays below the standard price for the selected courses with a label in front, e.g. 'Earlybird Discount'.
Arlo will only display one discounted price for each course, the oldest active discount applicable.
Example: Custom label in registration discount settings

Example: Website display of course with discount with custom label
When setting up your registration discounts, ticking the Hide the standard price when this discount is available setting strikes through the standard price for the course on your website, instead displaying the discounted price.
Example: Setting selected in registration discount settings

Example: Website display of course with discount with standard price replaced
The text entered into the discount's Website review line field will be displayed on the Review and confirm step of the checkout.
Example: Website review line setting in the discount settings

Example: Website review line in the checkout