If you run the same report frequently, you may find it useful to create the report as a favourite. Saving a report as a favourite enables you to save reports with your preferred settings and fields so you don't have to recreate the report each time you need it.
For example, your accounts manager may need a regular registrations list report with revenue totals and discount details.
- Open the Reports menu item.

- From the All Reports list, open the report you would like to save (the report that gives you the data you need).
- Press Report settings.

- Select the settings that will give you the information you need for this report.
- Press Save as Favourite.

- Enter the name and details for your report, so that you and others can easily identify it. If you are going to schedule the report (to be sent on a regular basis), there is a character limit of 80 characters.
The name of the report used to create the favourite report is not visible in the new report so we recommend adding this to your saved report name, e.g. Value of registrations this year (Registrations List). This makes it easier for others to recreate your saved report if required.

- Press Save.
Advanced reports in Arlo are marked with an Advanced tag.

- Open the Reports menu item.

- From the All Reports list, open the advanced report you would like to save (the report that gives you the data you need).
- Enter the conditions and fields you would like to see in the report. If you are going to schedule the report (to be sent on a regular basis), there is a character limit of 80 characters.
Specific dates will not change and will have to be manually amended. If you want to see information for the previous/next month, use the Is within previous (period) or Is within next (period) conditions, rather than entering the specific date.
- Press Save to favourites...
- Enter the Name and Description for your report.
The name of the report used to create the favourite report is not visible in the new report so we recommend adding this to your saved report name, e.g. Registrations for next week (Registrations List - Advanced). This makes it easier for others to recreate your saved report if required.

- Press Save favourite.
If the report is scheduled, you must first delete the scheduled report, before you will be able to delete the favourite report.
- Open the Reports menu item.

- From the Favourite Reports list, hover your mouse over the favourite report you would like to delete.
- Click Delete.

- Press Delete Favourite.
- Open the Reports menu item.

- From the Favourite Reports list, open the report you want to edit.
- Make the required changes to the report.
- Press Save Favourite.
If your favourite report is scheduled, you must also force the scheduled report to save the new settings.