The following reports are useful tools in tracking information on your contacts, presenters and organisations.
Looking for the Presenter Performance report? Find it in our Enterprise reports article.
- Open the Reports menu item.

- Go to the Presenters section for the Attendance register and Presenter Activity (Advanced) reports.

- Go to the Contacts and Organisations section for the Contacts List (Advanced) and Organisations List (Advanced) reports.

Standard reports
- To access all report settings on the report page, from the toolbar press Report Settings.

Advanced reports
- All settings are visible when the report is first opened.
The Attendance Register report is designed to be given to your presenters or support staff to mark the attendance and any notes during the course and to inform the presenters of any special details. This report can be scheduled to send to course presenters automatically, and can also be printed off in bulk for more than one course. This report can be used as an alternative, or in conjunction, with the Arlo for Mobile app.
The Attendance Register report is limited to 30 sessions per course. The Course Registrants report is designed to accompany the Attendance Register report and includes additional personal details of each registrant.
- To add additional rows for attendees who may show up on the day, enter the number of extra rows you'd like to add to the report.

- To add additional columns, for example for the attendee's signature, enter the labels for the extra columns required. You may add up to eight extra columns.

- To include special dietary requirements (including presenters) and/or disability requirements, select these from the Additional information section.

- To add instructions or other details, add them to the Footer notes.
If running this report in bulk or adding notes to the default report settings, the note should be generic and not specific to that course, presenter, or registrants etc.

Learn how to:
- Run the report in bulk (print reports for multiple courses at once)
- Schedule the course registrants report to be sent automatically to each course's presenter before the course starts.
The advanced presenter activity report uses a powerful search and filtering engine, allowing you to generate custom XLSX and CSV exports of presenter information based on records that match your conditions. You can control the column outputs of the report, including their position, and apply multiple sorting conditions to a single report.
You can set a range of conditions and the report can output a large range of information including:
- Course Details
- Session Details
- Course Presenter Details
Advanced reports can be saved as a favourite and scheduled to be sent to external email addresses.
The Contacts List (Advanced) report uses a powerful search and filtering engine, allowing you to generate custom XLSX and CSV exports of contact records that match your conditions. You can control the column outputs of the report, including the column position - and also apply multiple sorting conditions to a single report.
You can set a range of conditions on the report to allow you to export a specific list of contacts and the information held against the contact. This includes:
- Contact details (e.g basic system fields like Name, Phone, email address etc)
- Contact employment details
- Contact address details
- Consent of contacts (e.g set a condition to only include contacts who have provided consent to be included in marketing)
The consent fields in this report will be titled as per the title given on your platform, i.e. they will not necessarily be called Consent. Learn more about consent field.
Advanced reports can be saved as a favourite and scheduled to be sent to external email addresses.
The Organisations List (Advanced) report uses a powerful search and filtering engine, allowing you to generate custom XLSX and CSV exports of organisation records that match your conditions. You can control the column outputs of the report, including the column position - and also apply multiple sorting conditions to a single report.
You can set a range of conditions on the report to allow you to export a specific list of organisations and the information held against the organisations. This includes:
- Organisation details (e.g basic system fields like Name, Industry, organisation size etc.)
- Organisation custom field information.
- Organisation key contact details.
- Organisation account manager details.
Advanced reports can be saved as a favourite and scheduled to be sent to external email addresses.