Arlo allows you to easily transfer, cancel or swap registrations on courses. Once the change is made, Arlo will send the appropriate notifications to both registrants and order contacts, with those notifications also including calendar appointments (where activated).
The following article outlines how to transfer a registration to another course, change a registrant's session selection (if free), swap a course registrant (where somebody else is taking their place), or cancel a registration.
The following process outlines how to complete a transfer on a scheduled course where no order exists, or an order exists but the course doesn't have optional sessions/extras and no order changes are required.
The target course must to be set to Accept website registrations for the transfer to be successful.
- Open the Registrations menu, or select Courses and choose the course you wish to process the transfer on.
- Search for and open the registration you wish to transfer.
- Press Transfer registration.
- Select Same template if it's the same course, or Any template if you want to move them to a different course.
If you only want to select from upcoming courses (and not completed) also tick Show scheduled courses only.
- Select the course that you would like to transfer the registration to.
- Press Transfer registrant. Arlo will send an automated transfer notification.
The following processes are suggested where you need to process a registration transfer between paid courses with different prices, and either process a refund or add additional charges as part of this process.
If you need to transfer a registration with optional sessions/extras see Transfer a registration with optional paid sessions or optional extras
Follow these steps when you need to transfer an unpaid registration on an order to a new course with different pricing.
If the order has not been marked as approved and/or exported to Xero:
- Edit the existing order, delete the registration (by pressing X), then add the new registration to reflect the new course.
- Next, send a new invoice to the billing contact with the new course details.
- At the end of this process, the billing contact will have an updated copy of their original purchase invoice.
If the order has been approved and/or exported to Xero, editing the invoice is not recommended. In this case, the best solution is to cancel and credit the original registration and create a new invoice.
- Open the Orders menu item.
- Press Edit.
- Find the line for the registration you want to update and press Cancel. The line will be marked for cancellation.
- Press Save.
- Confirm the communication you would like to be sent.
- Press Add credit note.
This will create a draft credit note using all of the lines from the original order. The amount of each of the lines will reflect the unpaid portion of the invoice.
- Click X to remove any lines that you don’t want to credit. You should be left with a line that represents only the registration that you would like to credit.
- Press Save.
- The credit note will be automatically applied to the original invoice, reducing the amount due. If you are connected to Xero, the credit note will be exported automatically.
- The remaining balance of the original order (if any) can continue to be paid as per your existing processes.
- At the end of this process, the billing contact will have a copy of their original purchase invoice with a credit applied, and a new invoice for the transferred registration on a new course.
Follow these steps when you need to transfer a paid registration on an order to a new course with different pricing, and need the difference to be paid (if more), or refunded (if less).
- Open the Orders menu item.
- Press Edit.
- Find the line for the registration you want to update and press Cancel. The line will be marked for cancellation.
- Press Save.
- Confirm the communication you would like to be sent.
- Press Make a refund.
- Existing order lines will be listed. Select the individual lines you wish to refund or press Select all.
- Press Create credit note.
- Press Save.
- Deselect Pay this as a cash refund now and press Create credit note.
- If there is remaining credit on the credit note, you can pay this out as a cash refund, or retain it to be used against a future order.
- If there is a balance due to the new order you can continue to take additional payments as per usual.
The following processes are suggested where you need to process a registration transfer between courses with optional sessions/extras.
- Open the Orders menu.
- If the order has not been approved, press Approve and deselect the communication options presented.
- Press Edit.
- Find the line for the registration you want to cancel and press Cancel.
- Press Save.
- Confirm the communication you would like to be sent.
- Press Add credit note.
This will create a draft credit note using all of the lines from the original order. The amount of each of the lines will reflect the unpaid portion of the invoice.
- Click X to remove any lines that you don’t want to credit. You should be left with a line that represents the registration/s that you would like to credit only.
- Press Save.
- The credit note will be automatically applied to the original invoice, reducing the amount due. If you are connected to Xero, the credit note will be exported automatically.
- The remaining balance of the original order (if any) can continue to be paid as per your existing processes.
- At the end of this process, the billing contact will have a copy of their original purchase invoice with a credit applied, and a new invoice for the transferred registration/s on a new course.
- Open the Orders menu.
- Press Edit.
- Find the line for the registration/s you want to cancel and press Cancel.
- Press Save.
- Confirm the communication you would like to be sent.
- Press Make a refund.
- Existing order lines will be listed (including optional extras). Select the individual lines you wish to refund or press Select all.
- Press Create credit note.
- Press Save.
- Deselect Pay this as a cash refund now and press Create credit note.
- You can continue to take payment if an additional balance is due on the new order, or refund any overpayment left on the original credit note at a later date.
The following process describes how to edit the sessions and options that a registrant is registered for on a multi-session course with free sessions.
- Open the Courses menu.
- Find and select the course containing the registration you would like to edit.
- Search for and open the registration you wish to transfer.
- From the Registration Session sections, change the registrant's sessions by selecting the checkboxes as required.
- Press Save and close.
- Select the registrant in the list.
- Press Actions, then Resend instructions to send out the updated course instructions with the new session information.
Arlo allows you to easily change registrants (e.g. swap an existing registrant with a new person) and send out a set of instructions with calendar appointment details to the new registrant and a cancellation email to the existing registrant.
Registrant changes are not available for elearning activities.
- Open the Registrations menu, or select All courses and choose the course you wish to process the change on.
- Search for and open the registration you wish to change.
- Click Change registrant.
- Search for the contact you wish to add in the original registrant's place. As you begin to type your contacts will be filtered.
If the contact does not exist in Arlo, press New Contact.
- Select the communication that should be sent.
- Press Change registrant.
Arlo gives you the ability to allow your customers to transfer themselves to another date, on some or all of your courses that have more than one date available. You can allow your registrants the ability to self-transfer up to one day before an course starts.
Registrants will be given the option to transfer to another date/time on the course instructions email (registration confirmation).
With Arlo, you can cancel a registration when the know the registrant will not be attending the course. There are two methods for cancelling a registration (depending on whether the registration is associated with an order or not).
- Open the Registrations menu item.
- Find and open the registration by clicking on the registrant's name.
- Press Cancel registration.
- Select whether to Send registration cancellation email to registrants, then press Cancel registration.
- Open the Orders menu item.
- Press Edit.
- Find the line for the registration(s) you want to cancel and press Cancel. The line will be marked for cancellation.
- Press Save.
- Confirm the communication you would like to be sent, then press Save Changes.