Arlo allows you to create multi-session courses that have no choice of sessions (i.e. the registrants attend all sessions of the course).
Each session on these courses can have a different delivery method (at a venue or live online), presenter(s), or price. They can also include optional extras.
Registrants on these courses will be registered for all sessions on the course, making these courses ideal for programmes that run over multiple weeks.
Creating a multi-session course (registrants attend all)
There are a number of steps to complete in the course wizard in Arlo.
- Type - Choose the type of course.
- General - Enter the general details of the course, e.g. the name, code, and price, etc.
- Website - Enter information about the course to be displayed on your website.
- Schedule - Enter the dates, presenter(s), and other logistics of your course.
- Registrations - Choose the registration method, period of registration, and set registration limits.
- Communication - Choose and edit automated emails sent to registrants.
If you need a multi-session course and would like registrants to have a choice of the sessions they are registering on, learn how to set up a multi-session course with a choice of sessions.
The Type tab of the course wizard requires you to select what kind of course you are creating (public or private) and whether this course uses an existing course template or is a new course that you have not run previously.
- Open the Courses menu.
- Press New course.
- In the Create a new... section, select whether the course is a New public course or a New private course.
- In the Have you run this course before? section, select if you have run this course before.
- If you select I have not run this course before, this will create a new course template, with the course instance, to be used in the future.
- If you select I have run this course previously and would like to schedule another, you will get the option to select the relevant template from the list.
You cannot use a template with a basic schedule to create a multi-session course.
- If you are using an existing template and you do not need to change any of the course's website information or pricing since you last run it, you can press Skip to schedule to go directly to the Schedule tab of the wizard. Otherwise, press Next.
The General tab of the course wizard asks for the general information for the course, such as the name, code, and price.
- From the General details section, enter the Name, and the codes of your course.
Arlo recommends using the default codes which it will populate.
- From the What is the schedule? section, select Multiple sessions.
- From the Will attendees be able to choose their sessions? section, select No choice.
- From the Price section, enter the price per registrant. If the course is free, enter 0.
- Select whether the price is including tax, excluding tax, or tax free from the drop-down.
- If required, add your accounting codes and Xero tracking codes.
- If required, add professional development points or hours.
- Press Next.
If you have set up a multi-session course before, you will not have to set up a new one each time you need to run it. Learn how to copy sessions to a new course from a previous multi-session course.
The Website tab of the course wizard holds all of the information about the course that will be displayed on your website and is also the place where you can activate the lead generation links.
- From the Website page section, ensure your visibility settings are correct.
The website visibility will be set to published by default meaning anybody can find the course on your website.
- If you are hosting the web content externally, edit the Page hosting settings and add the URL of the page with your course content. Learn more about hosting your own course pages.
- From the Website page content section, select the category(s) the course should be displayed in on your website.
- Enter the information about your course that will be displayed on the course's website page in each of the website content sections.
Learn how to add new content sections, or how to correct badly formatted text (bad HTML) copied from Word.
- From the Website course content section, select if the course date should be published on your website, and whether or not the course should be published on your course list pages.
- In the Display on website section, choose when the course should be published on your website.
- From the Lead generation section, select whether or not you would like to accept leads on the course's website page.
- Press Next.
The Schedule tab of the course wizard holds all of the specific information relative to the schedule of the course instance, such as the dates, presenter(s), and other logistical settings for your course.
For multi-session courses where registrants attend all sessions you have the choice of whether to add single sessions or recurring sessions.
The recurring sessions functionality can only be used for courses where all sessions are at a venue.
- For recurring sessions, for example, every Monday and Wednesday at 9am for 4 weeks press Add recurring sessions.
Arlo will use the session details to generate the calendar appointment sent to registrants.
- From the Schedule details section, enter the date that the series of sessions starts on, and the start and finish time of the sessions.
- Choose how often the session recurs, e.g. weekly, and the recurrence options, e.g. Monday and Wednesday of each week or monthly, e.g. the first Monday of each month.
- Type in the venue, and room if necessary.
If the venue does not exist click + New to create a new venue.
- Add your presenter(s).
If the presenter does not exist click + New to create a new presenter.
You can use the Search... or the presenters' scheduler to look for available presenters. If your presenters need to be confirmed, you can add provisional presenters.
- Press Save session. The session details will be generated automatically.
- Press Edit on each session to add or change details.
- Follow the instructions below to add further sessions or continue creating your course from the Main event details section.
- From the Sessions section, press Add session.
Arlo will use the session details to generate the calendar appointment sent to registrants.
- The Add session slider will appear.
Sessions will be displayed on your checkout in the order that you enter them (grouped by date). You should enter your earliest session first, and work your way to the last session.
- From the General section, enter session name.
- If you would like a description to be displayed with the session on the registration form click Add description.
- From the Where will it be delivered? section, select whether the course will be held at a venue (a face to face course) or live online (webinar style).
- From the Schedule details section, enter the date and time of the session.
- Type in the venue, and room if necessary.
If the venue does not exist click + New to create a new venue.
You can use the venues and rooms scheduler to look for available venues.
- If required, add your Room setup instructions for logistics management reporting.
- Add your presenter(s).
If the presenter does not exist click + New to create a new presenter.
You can use the Search... or the presenters' scheduler to look for available presenters. If your presenters need to be confirmed, you can add provisional presenters.
- Press Save session.
- Continue to add sessions as required.
- From the Host the webinar using dropdown, select Zoom.
- In the Select a Zoom user to host this course dropdown, select the Zoom host you want to use for this webinar.
- A Meeting password will be automatically generated for you using the host's Zoom settings. If you would like to change the password, click Edit.
You can not change the host or the meeting password once the course has been created.
- If the Zoom host is a presenter, tick Make the host a presenter.
- From the Schedule details section, enter the date and time of the session.
- By default the Time zone is set to the Zoom host's time zone. If you need to change the time zone, click Edit.
- If the Zoom host is not the presenter, add your presenter/s.
You can use the Search... or the presenters' scheduler to look for available presenters. If your presenters are yet to be confirmed, you can add provisional presenters.
- Press Save session.
- Continue to add sessions as required.
- From the Host the webinar using dropdown, select Custom URL.
- From the Schedule details section, enter the date and time of the session.
- Select the webinar's Time zone.
- From the Webinar details section, add the Guest URL for registrants as well as any additional instructions. These details will be sent to registrants with the course instructions emails.
- Add the Presenter URL as well as any additional instructions. These details will be sent to the presenters automatically with the course confirmation emails.
- Add your presenter(s).
If the presenter does not exist click + New to create a new presenter.
You can use the Search... or the presenters' scheduler to look for available presenters. If your presenters need to be confirmed, you can add provisional presenters.
- Press Save session.
- Continue to add sessions as required.
- In the Main event details section, enter the Schedule description.
- If you would like to remove some of the session presenters from being advertised, from the Main event details section, deselect Automatically manage advertised presenters and remove the presenter from the advertised list.
- If required, assign support staff to the course.
- If required, add your room setup and catering details for logistics management reporting.
- From the Options section, click +Add option to add any optional extras you would like your registrants to be able to purchase with their registrations.
- Press Next.
The Registrations tab of the course wizard holds all of the registration settings for the course, such as the registration method, period, and limits.
- From the General section, select Accept website registrations.
- Select the Registration method appropriate for your course.
If you need to take payment from registrants, select Order Process. If the course is free, select Quick Registration.
- Select the period that registrations will be open and closed for the course.
Late registrations will only apply to sessions that have not yet started. If you allow registrations until the course end but all of your sessions have started, registrants will not be able to proceed through the checkout.
- Select the Registration policy for your course.
Learn more about registration policies.
- From the Website registration form section, select the registration form for this course.
Unless you need a specific field just for this course, you should use the default registration forms.
- From the Registration limits section, enter the registration limits and alerts for the course if required.
- Press Next.
The Communication tab of the course is where you can choose and, where available, edit the automated course emails that are sent to registrants. You will need to ensure that all appropriate emails you want to be sent are enabled.
- To activate an email, click Activate. To disable an email, click Deactivate.
Active emails will appear as a white line, deactivated emails will appear as a shaded grey line.
- Click Edit to add special instructions to the Presenter confirmation.
- Click Edit to add special instructions to the Venue booking confirmation.
- Click Edit to add special instructions and attachments to your Registration confirmation (course instructions) email sent to registrants.
- Click Activate to send Registration reminder emails to registrants. View a preview of a reminder.
- Click Activate to schedule any automated reports to be sent to presenters.
This feature is only available on the Enterprise plan.
- Click Activate to schedule any Follow-up emails sent to registrants.
We recommend only sending follow up emails either to all registrants, or attended and not attended registrants. View a preview of a follow-up email.
- Click Edit to customize the follow-up emails sent.
- From the Sender details section, check that the sender details are correct for your course.
- If you have finalised the course details and wish for the course to be published immediately, press Create and approve.
- If you want to save the course, but do not want to publish it or have any communication sent out, press Create as draft. You will be able to approve the course when you are ready. Learn how to approve draft courses.
Once approved, if you have the course confirmation workflow turned on you will also need to confirm the course is running. Learn more about the course confirmations workflow.